
What do you think of parents who base their happiness on their kids lives?

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Like some parents say, "go to college, because if you dont my life is ruined".. "i want you to support me in my old age" etc...?




  1. I don;t think that is right.As a parent myself I just want to give my children good education and good values but I dont expect anything in return.If they  become something in life I ll be surely happy but I dont expect them to support me or anything.

  2. I think it's stupid,

    you should make sure your kids are doing ok in life but don't

    base your happiness on them

  3. well one sounds to me your self centered .. your parents gave birth to you , thru that raising you and taking care of you , thru being sick as well as being healthy .. you are their hope , they put you first and hope for the best for you .In their old age , you might have to step up and care for them..guess what??? every family  who love each other do !

    Now  that being said are a person  , you have to live your life the way you see fit. but  don't forget  you are your parents lives .

    If your parents didn't put you first , you would be on here  crying , my dad ran off with a 18 year old stripper and i never see him and my mother is slinging back shots with pablo the pool boy .

    sounds like your parents want only the best for you .

    be parents put themselves first ....ive had a hard time of it . I put my kids first and  , well lets say  they lack in compassion . maybe thats a gift thats only granted to those who struggle to make it .

  4. I don't think parents should do that - none of us can base our happiness on any other human, in fact, a good thing to remember when shopping for a boyfriend/girlfriend - but are you sure you're not misinterpreting their motives? I tell my kids it's their responsibility to support us in our old age if we need it, because it IS their responsibility. I don't think I am basing my happiness on them: I'm working my hardest to make sure they don't have to support us. But if all else fails, it IS their responsibility, just as it is my responsibility to care for my parents.

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