
What do you think of people for going to the cinema alone?

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is it realy that big of a deal, or is it not?




  1. I had never been to the cinema on my own untill the beginning of 2007. I seen it as being a sad thing to do and thought everyone would look at me! That was until i broke up with my ex. We both had cinema cards so would go to the cinema 2gether all the time. When we broke up i still wanted to make the most of it but my friends didnt want to go to the cinema much as it can be expensive. So i started going on my own, and i dont mind it now, its nice just watching films on your own and their is a lot of other people that are on their own. Go for it and dont care what other people think!!

  2. good for them. why not?

  3. It doesn't matter, everyone is there just to see a movie and it's not really a social place because you are banned from talking

  4. What do I think ... I think billynomates!  Just kidding!  If you have the guts to do it then good for you!

  5. Well I would think they want to watch a film - big deal...

  6. I have done it and actually enjoyed the movie more because I didn't have any distractions.  I don't think it's a big deal - no one looked at me like I was crazy and I didn't feel weird about it.

  7. No way, a lot of my girly mates dont like the gorefests that I enjoy, i go to them alone. Peoplee only stare in the lobby....its dark in the cinema itself. Only problem is I cant manage all the popcorn on my own.

  8. I always go to the cinema alone.  Then I can immerse myself in the experience of the film.  I don't see much point in going with other people because I don't want to be talking during the film.  I see the cinema experience as similar to reading a good book.  It's a personal experience.  I'm not at all embarrassed, nor am I a loner!

  9. nah if u wanna watch something and no-one eles is interested then go watch it alone!

  10. sad

  11. not big deal

  12. Not really, some people might look at you but who cares. Id go if there was a film that HAD to be seen at the cinema but no one else wanted to go. Id go to an early one though I think.

  13. Lonely people.  Better off at home and watch TV.

  14. not really.

    some people just go to SEE a movie.

    if its like a date; eh

    but i know people with girlfriends and some people with boyfriends who go to the movie just to go.

  15. It tends to seem a big deal when you're younger and/or until you've done it.  Then you realise it's no big deal AT ALL (and why should it be?)

    The cinema isn't a social outing by rule.  It can be.  Or it can be something to occupy your time.  Or of course it is for many people a way to follow their hobby of watching all the new films.  So whatever your reason, just go for it.

    I often go by myself to a film as it's my way of relaxing.  I used to go every Friday after work as a treat, huge bucket of popcorn, coke, and just my chance to unwind before hitting the weekend properly!

  16. Not a big deal because there is a such thing as "me time" that means spending a few hours out of your day getting to know you and doing things to relax and ease your mind minus someone else...Just you yourself and you!

  17. no it just means that people have other things on their mind and the person going to the cinama alone is just thinking with a one track mind and does not want to be bothered...with anyone...also it means that you are spontaneous

  18. loners or trying to break the rule and proove a point!

  19. i think it's alright. if i'm bored and i want to, i juz go.

    don't worry, man.

    really, what's the cinema for, primarily? it's for the movie that you want. oh, and the popcorn. so, if you want to watch the movie with some popcorn, go for it!

  20. showing that they are still single

  21. I don't see it as a deal at all. I have done it many times and enjoyed the show.

  22. I have never been to see a movie in a movie theatre alone for a very long time.

    This was in the days before DVDs and Internet downloads so there was not much choice if you really wanted to see a movie.

    It is only embarrassing if you meet people you know.

  23. i think is really cool, so no big deal

  24. I don't see a thing wrong with it.. a lot of people do it.. and there is not a thing in the world wrong with it.. if you are alone you don't have to feel like you have to talk to the person you are with, and miss any of the movie..  I say keep on doing what you want to and enjoy the show !!

  25. i rather go by myself ( i dont like ppl talking to me when i'm watching a movie) unless im on a date but i pick the longest movie for that

  26. I've been on my own loads of times, especially when my wife/gf didn't want to see a film and I did.

    Its also a great way to kill a few hours when taking a sickie.

  27. Aah !

    not a very big deal,

    Life is not something that defines a person,

    But a peson is what who defines his life...

    It simply depends upon an individual how he feels comfortable.

    It does not mean that he feels uncomfortable with girls but the only thing is he might be little some-what shy...

    ~Thats it~

  28. Why do you ask, there is nothing wrong with going

    to the movies along...

    Sometimes you just fill like catching a movie all by

    your self.

  29. Great idea. Especially if you wanna see a sequel of a movie. Those women are always asking questions!

  30. WHAT has this to do with "dining out"?

  31. i see point , maybe this person doesn't like distractions


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