
What do you think of people on the dole?

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What do you think of people on the dole?




  1. I don't know anyone on the dole, there probably are people who are genuinely looking for jobs, some who would rather stay on the dole and others who are totally unemployable

  2. It depends why they are on the dole. I get paid weekly and by the time I have paid my rent & council tax I am left with £70 for travel, food, and bills and entertainment, if I wasnt working I would get £60 per week without the travelling and work stress, I would be better off so maybe they people on the dole are smarter than us.

  3. I agree 100% with Emma B.

  4. Genuine cases are O.K. but there are far to many bone-idle, wont be told what to do, lazy b******s who claim everything they can get their grubby hands on.  It is this majority who make people look down on genuine cases

  5. I also agree with Emma B.Some people can never get a job no matter how hard they try if they live in an area with above average unemployment.

    I watched a TV documentary once about an estate where they'd closed down the mines and there was 95% unemployment.

    You should not resent a very small fraction of your taxes going towards keeping those who cannot find work.

    However,those who are without work experience can go on employment training schemes or get a voluntary job to get a reference.

    I am currently on disability benefits but I have two voluntary jobs,do my ECDL once a week and am also trying to get a job as a scriptwriter.

  6. It depends.  Some people have a real struggle getting into work.  Especially in small towns where the jobs just aren't there.  Some people can't travel far to get a job so get stuck in a rut.  Then the longer you're out of the work, the harder it is as employers are less likely to hire you and you end up in a cycle.

    It is also depends on what you mean by 'the dole'.  Do you mean job seekers allowance or income support?

    Every one has their own story and if you try living in someone elses shoes and looking at how they got to that place most of the time it wasn't their choice  :-)

  7. We could all lose our jobs at some stage especially in this economic climate, so I would genuinely feel sorry for anyone who has lost a job. However I hate with a passion benefit breeders and scroungers who sit on the dole and never contribute to this country. There is a big difference.

  8. if they have been on benefits for a long time and have no intention of finding work they should have there benefits stopped, I hate scroungers when I have to work hard for my money, and they usually end up better off than me.

  9. Potentially a good idea to help people who are struggling with finding employment but there's nothing I hate more than when you get people with no aspirations who put no effort into finding a job and just bum about spending there money on 'f**s and booze'.

  10. You're talking about a whole human life and all we get to know about them is that they are "on the dole" and that alone is supposed to be enough information to form an opinion on?

    If I were to be stupid enough to form an opinion based on only that, you should be smart enough not to listen to it.

  11. I think Croxx said it best - it all depends on the individual and their circumstances.  Some people genuinely need help and I have no problem paying my taxes to help them out.  I've been made redundant 3 times in the past 5 years, and luckily I've managed to get work without having to claim benefits, but my husband claimed for 2 weeks until he got work and it really helped us out.

    He was ashamed to be taking benefits because he didn't want people to think he was a lazy scounger, but we both have paid our taxes since we left school and it was such a relief knowing that help was there when we needed it.

  12. been there... when I was first out of work I was so desperate to not be like the people that were queuing up in front of me. I went for all kinds of jobs but I didn't get a bite. then I started to get used to being unemployed and I resented even getting up that bit earlier to collect my cheque.

    having had that experience I don't look down on those who are umemployed. Its scary because all your options and opportunities are lost to you and you don't know when you'll get them back. You compete against people already in jobs. but the scariest part was getting sucked into that lifestyle.

    so I always think compassionately of people that are unemployed - to a point. I didn't have patience for laziness before I found myself there and I have even less now

    i knew a few that refused to get jobs in fast food restaurants but I couldn't understand how they were on higher ground.

  13. Depends on the individual & their circumstances.

  14. Some like it there or have known nothing else since they left school.

    Some don't like it there and do anything they can to earn an honest days pay.

    And some are unfortunate enough to have to live in places with no real employment prospects and haven't got the ability to move somewhere that does.

    I was in the second category. I started full time work on Monday having been out of work for the sum total of two weeks, and without having to resort to claiming benefits on this occasion.

    Those who say they don't like paying taxes, tough. The benefits system is a safety net for some people. You don't like it, sod off to a country that doesn't have a welfare system and see just how good that is.

  15. some people are just too lazy to work,and why do they have to when they get everthing paid for them.this is not a dig at people who are activly looking for work.

  16. I think they are great.I like nothing more than working 50 hours a week to pay for some t**t to have a higher standard of living than I do.

  17. I agree with Emma and Adele....

    Having worked....ever since being in high school because I had to if I wanted clothes...etc. while I was in school.  My Dad and Mom were hard working people but seemed only to make enough to keep a roof over us and food on the table...necessities of life.  They both paid into it and never collected a penny.  I and two sisters and two brothers have done so too.  When I got injured and now disabled I am sure thankful it is there.  I guess it never bothered me because it was there for those who need it.  There is always someone who abuses the system...politicians are the worst with all the freebees, kickbacks, perks and giving themselves raises.  But on average it isn't abused as much as it may appear.  It's very difficult living on what the government hands out, the hoops you have to jump through, the degradation they put you through, the way others look down on you.  I enjoyed working, looked forward to it every day, contributing to and being part of society.  Now that I can no longer work I am treated differently, looked down upon...sometimes I feel like people have pooped on me.  You don't know what it's like especially after contributing your fair share and all of a sudden the tables are turned on you.  I know I sound depressed about my situation but I truly am thankful the system is in place...otherwise I don't know where I would be.  I resent others looking down on us who ended up in the system.  Many of us were hard workers and they could very easily be in the same boat.  What I don't like is the "Welfare" politicians get and the Corporate welfare that big companies get.

    People should never consider themselves above others.  I never did...but I'm here anyway.

    Thank God for the system.  It's not enough to live on but with careful planning a person can live comfortably.

    What I don't like to see is the homeless and the panhandlers.  A society can only be judged by the way it treats it's poor.

  18. At least 50% should be removed for being fraudulent - claiming disability allowances to which they are not entitled. Doctors should be more discerning about handing out sick notes. Many of whats left work for cash as well as claiming payments.

    Deadlegs rule the UK

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