
What do you think of people who claim that they life was bad till one day, they met Jesus and saved them?

by Guest65551  |  earlier

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I usually doubt of their sanity




  1. The only way I it possible to meet Jesus is through time travel.  

  2. I'm happy for them. In most cases their lives DO get better. But I believe that it's mostly due to raised self esteem, a feeling of importance, and a faith in something that they can believe in. They were able to find something that fills the 'void' and that something just happens to be Christianity.

    *No, most describe it as a solid knowing in God that can only be achieved by having a close relationship in him.

  3. It depends on the person. If someone is into recreational drugs, and that habit is destroying his/her life, and after getting religion they start straightening out... That's not a bad thing. But, when the bloom fades from their experimentation with religion, then what do they do? That's where the rubber meets the road.

  4. How can you even take them seriously in the first place, when they say they want to live their lives according to a book older than dust, then they go ahead and keep sinning anyway, (ignoring the book they are supposed to follow) so they can repent Sunday at church and do it all over again the next week? I don't disbelieve that their lives were c**p before finding God, but the idea that religion could transform their lives from shite to awesome is so stupid it's actually offensive.

  5. Good for them! Sanity at last.

    When a person comes to an end of themselves, the Savior can meet

    with them & change their sorry lives & broken soul for good.

  6. Someone must have really brainwashed them which usually leads to insanity.

  7. Well then feel free to doubt my sanity, I was an alcoholic and drug addict, then I gave my heart to Y'shua(Jesus) 7 years ago after I watched a Passion play while I was incarcerated. He changed me & I haven't had the desire to go back to my old way of life.   I was a cheif among sinners, one day I met the Savior and my life has changed forever.

    "I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of G-d. "  1st Corinthians 1:18 NLT

    "This "foolish" plan of G-d is far wiser than the wisest of human plans, and G-d's weakness is far stronger than the greatest of human strength."  1st Corinthians 1:25 NLT

  8. there hypocrites,

  9. This seems like a specifically Christian phenomenon!

    There are also people in the christian community who claim to be Jesus Christ!

    Ocasionally you run into someone in the Muslim community who claim that they had a dream in which prophet Muhammad appeared to them and told them to do something.

  10. Their lives usually still suck, so I let them keep that little fantasy they've woven with some complicated mental gymnastics that everything is somehow SO much better now that a 2,000 year old dead bronze age carpenter "entered their hearts."

    The trick is to smile politely, nod your head, and scan for the nearest exit. Make a break for it when they fall down and start babbling in tongues. Call 911 in case they're actually having a seizure.

    <edit> I'm just being facetious, McCain ~ Palin. Take a pill. I thought the "call 911" crack was a dead give away.

  11. Go ask Deion Sanders, George Foreman and Chuck Norris.

  12. There are countless people who do horrible things, but later they find Jesus, and then get their life turned around.

  13. Just worry about your own sorry life, honey.

  14. Their belief has apparently helped them.  In the same way Islam has many similar stories.

  15. Some people need approval of someone other than themselves.

  16. Poppet Suck my blood all you like,

    For you will never Drain me.

    Long ago I lived on the Streets,

    Did Alcohol and Drugs.

    Hid in the Darkest Shadows

    Knew Not How to love.

    I Ended in the Gutter,

    Where I nearly Died.

    Then woke up in Hospital,

    Much to my Surprise.

    I never actually met him,

    Words were never said,

    But I know within my Heart,

    Without him, I'd be Dead.

    He gave me strength

    And Guidance,He led

    me on my way,

    And Here he sits beside me.

    Every single Day.

  17. I'm one of those people. And no, I'm not insane.

    It's not that life necessarily turns into rainbows and candy canes the minute one accepts Christ into their lives - it's just that there comes a new hope and faith that things will get better when we trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - because He is the hope. Not our circumstances.

    It's all about faith & hope and it is DEFINITELY a life-altering experience. When done sincerely, one undergoes a transformation. It is a mystery to someone who does not understand. I did not understand before it happened to me. But it is an awesome experience. I hope you will experience it someday too.

    Oh, and contrary to Raptor's opinion, I can't speak for other Christians, but my life doesn't suck.

  18. As with anything else, when such people cherry pick their recollections in such a way as to support such a delusion, well, their results will also be delusional.

    Now, its possible for even a delusion, such as their fetish about a very dead guy, to "shock" their lives such that they change many of their habits, and, if some of the old habits were self destructive (Drinking, gambling, and so on), and some of the new habits aren't, then the overall effect could well be a person who, religious delusions aside, is living a better and healthier life.

    But, they could have done the same things without their fetish figure; They just didn't *want* to. So, they used the fetish figure in a way that seemed, to them, to force them to do what they otherwise didn't want to do.  

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