
What do you think of people who cuss? Is it really that bad?

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Just looking for more opinions, thanks ahead of time =]




  1. In casual settings, not at all.  When its more appropriate to be formal, then I think it wouldn't hurt to censor yourself.  

    But no, it's really not that bad at all.  They're just words.

  2. f***ing b****s w****k c****t

  3. It depends. People who curse all the time to sound cool sound really stupid.  

  4. I think it depends of the person cursing. It makes a lot of people sound unintelligent. It makes it sound, oft times, as though the curser (for want of an actual word) cannot find a more socially acceptable way to express himself. Some people, though, can pull it off, the same way only certain people still look nice while smoking, or while wearing absurd clothing.

  5. i hate it when people do it, and its bad

  6. Cussing is just slang, but it's crude and sends a message to others that says ..."I am too lazy or ignorant to use the proper terminology"

  7. Depends on the setting.  It can be appropriate or it can show a lack of class.

    Use the judgment.  The person who cusses whenever they want is showing that they can't read situations or that they don't care whether they offend others

    Personally, I reserve cussing for certain occasions so that the words have some weight.

  8. i think when you cuss a lot its bad and annoying,i have some friends who say at least one cuss word in they're sentence which is usually the f word,soooo annoying

  9. Depends on the situation.  Sittin around talkin it up with your buddies..  not bad at all.

    Continuing to use the langauge if someone has asked you not to...  Bad.

    Cursing at other negativly when you are upset...  such as at customer service workers or people in authority..  BAD

    Cursing in the workplace..  Bad

  10. Cussing is like my first language. And it's stupid how so many people think it's immature and rude to cuss. Sorry to burst whoever's bubble, but the way you talk shows nothing about the person you actually are. I can walk down the street right now listing all the cuss words known to man out loud. I'm sure I'll have people thinking what an idiot I am. But the truth is, they don't know me, so they can judge as much as they want, but they'll get nowhere near knowing what I'm really like. Words are there for a reason, to use them. So I take the opportunity and do so.

  11. When I am speaking to someone or reading written content that is filled with cussing, to me, ( just MY OWN opinion ) it brings down that persons intellect by say 100%.

  12. Profanity is an art form. It seems a stand up comic has no validity unless he can pepper his observations with plenty of o f' cryin out louds

    Some chap whose name I've forgotten is reputed to have said, 'You think I know fork nothing about your language.  Well let me tell you this. I know fork all.'

    A reprimand is a bullock king. An ignorant or annoying person you will c next tuesday    .

    If they are smaller than you they are a prick and if bigger then you can observe Uranus (Themselves that is not you)

    They are much like cliches short cuts to dispense with the need to think.  After all when the chap from Fords of Dagenham said, 'It looks like this flicking flicker is flicking well flicked.' he was hardly expressing the height of English.

    Of course there is the good standby Norfolk and Good and you definetly don't want to go to Scunthorpe.

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