
What do you think of people who have tattoos? Is it different for girls than it is for guys?

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I have this male friend who has alot of tattoos and he loves them, however he thinks girls with tattoos are disgusting tramps. I felt like he was being a hypocrite.




  1. ,just dont get a huge one unless it looks good. Other than that, skulls on girls and **** aren't attractive. for me.

  2. it depends on the tattoo but i think like butterflies and flowers are kool i like them onces

  3. No matter what, people will think what they want about tattoos.  I have a full backpiece and a shoulder piece that I may work into a sleeve.  I'm sure some guys find it ugly that I have a lot of ink, but personally, I don't care.  My boyfriend has a full sleeve and chest piece and I think tattoos are hot.  Don't worry about what others think about your ink if you want to get it, just get it!  Besides, once you get tattooed, it's like joining a's kinda weird.  The other day someone thought I was scary, because I have ink and I was wearing a black shirt.  It made me laugh...I'm so not scary, it's not even funny.

  4. I had my tattoo finished yesterday : )

    It covers most of my right arm, its of a Greek God holding the sun in black and grey. iv had loads of compliments from girls and guys saying it looks great, iv wanted it for a couple of years now but wanted to make sure it was done by an artist in the style i had in mind, I didnt rush it

    there was a girl in the studio having a vine drawn on here leg it looked great, and realy didnt look tacky or "trampy" at all.

    the best advise i would give is do a lot of research before you get a tattoo, and get it because you want it not what people are going to think, i read that most people who get a tattoo that symbolises something special to them and has a meaning wont regret the decision later in life. so don't just walk into a studio and pick the first design you see and think you want. Find a good artist to draw a design of an idea that you want, then think about a placement, that if you feel you want to cover your tattoo up you can.    

  5. I like tattoos as long as they mean something. I hate people who get tattoos of Japanese or Chinese symbols. It's so generic and person probably doesn't even know what it means.  

  6. i got my tattoo in 1964...back then the were ''unique'' day most everybody are getting them....its no big deal anymore...

  7. love them! i'm on my way to being pretty much covered...I just think it looks cool, it makes me feel attractive, and definently makes guys more attractive!

    It's a unique way to showcase your own art or that of others

  8. My father had lots of tattoos but it was expected in his generation as he was in the Navy and then worked construction. When I was in the Air Force I talked at least 20 guys into getting the "eagle with USAF underneath" in San Antonio (I have none). Personally I think people who permanently mark their bodies are just plain stupid. The ones that really crack me up most is the Japanese/Chinese symbols that the morons have no clue what is written on their bodies. For all they know it says "up yours" or something else derogatory. That and barbed wire. As far as females with tattoos it is an instant turnoff. Want some good tattoos. Here are a couple of ideas: Get a W on each butt check right by your anal o*****e so when you spread your cheeks it says WOW! Stand on your head and it says MOM. For guys have a squirrel running up one leg.... and down the other with a nut in his mouth. A lot of these tattoed folk are the same people who claim to be "vegans" and/or eat only "organic foods". I eat great but I have no qualms about picking up incurable diseases from a scuzzball tattoo artist who knows nothing about aseptic technique.  

  9. Tats are awsome. If donwe tastefully. I have 2. I want 3 more. On guys, a lot is kool. But on chicks, too many is just dumb.  

  10. I may be an old fuddy-duddy, but I don't know anybody my age who doesn't regret their tattoos.  (I'm 42).

  11. it depends on the person, some people suit it and some don't it's the same for men and women

    you're friend isn't being a hypocrite, he just has an odd outlook on it, even if you don't agree with it  

  12. i love tattoos i have 2 of my own and i think men who have them are very attractive but too much isnt nice  

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