
What do you think of people who have tattoos all over their bodies?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving through rural West Virginia and I was just shocked how many people there were that could be described as White Trash there was. I could not get over the large number of people who had no shirt on, a shaved head, a weatherbeaten face and many many Tattoos all over their bodies.

What goes on in some-one's head when they chose to have as many as 50 different tattoos all over their body?




  1. You need to grow up,and quit calling people trash.

  2. I am priveledged to work and live in a resort area but it constantly baffles me how many people confuse cash with class.

    Simply because you do not understand someones motivation does not make it wrong or socially unacceptable. Social acceptability is determined by the dominant society in a given area.... sounds like you were far-far from home.  Weather-beaten faces?Shaved heads? Topless? I will guess that these were men..... it sounds like you had a close call with the backbone of our great country..the working class.

    Try not to belittle them... next time stop by... ask them about their tattoos if they fascinate you so ... and buy them a beer, they probably deserve it.


  3. If you don't know why people choose to have those tattoos, then how do you have the right to be calling them white trash? People can get tattoos for many different reasons, and they are becoming more and more socially normal. Maybe you shouldn't go around and judge people because of their tattoos just because it isn't normal to you.

  4. If you honestly judge people on how they look, then you're trashier than they are.

    What do you care if people have tattoos on their bodies? It's their choice and it doesn't have anything to do with how hard-working they are.

    Get over yourself.

  5. mmm i personally think tattoos are hott if someone is ok looking but has tattoos they are just wow to me but thats just me everyone finds different things attractive thats why we are idividuals which is good we should be. i also dont think tattoos make u white trash either does taking ur shirt off or having a shaved head so i dunno two totally different opinions here anyway.

  6. I think you should spend more time worrying about yourself that judging other people. It is not becoming.

    People get tattoos for a number of reasons. Many times it symbolizes something special. If they like it, then good for them. Stop worrying about other people. Geez..

  7. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to presume that you are very young, have lived a sheltered life, and that you have never gotten out of your social circle. Because of this, you view anyone who is different than you, as something to fear. You make blanket judgments, because you feel better if you can label things. The unknown scares you. You don't want to admit this, because that would mean that you would have to stop, face your fears, and find out what is the truth and what is your prejudices.

    I imagine that some of the people that you drove by, put you in a box also. They probably saw your look of horror as you sat in your nice car with the windows rolled up and the doors locked - speeding up just a tad when they got too close, or looked you in the eye.

    This isn't about tattoos, is it? The why of whatever they chose to put on their bodies is not what you are interested in. If you were, you would have discovered that there are some amazing stories behind each tattoo, if you care to find out.

    I'm not saying that everyone that you saw would have been a wonderful person to meet, but that if you had let your guard down, relaxed and smiled, maybe had said 'hi', or had struck up a small conversation, that you would have discovered that people come in all kinds of packages, and one isn't 'better' than another, but different.

    Maybe next time, pretend that you are an ambassador to the planet Earth. I think that you would come home with a different perspective.

    Now, my advice to you is to consider getting a tattoo, to remind yourself that you belong to the same planet as those strange tattooed people that you saw and did not understand.

    maybe this 'we are the world' logo:

    or this Ron Hubbard earth quote:

    or this 'I love tattoos' badge, tattooed:

    or maybe just an 'old style' heart with a banner, and you can put something significant on the ribbon.

    Well, think about it.

    good luck with your life.

  8. people get tattoos because they think of it as art some people get them because they symbolize something special to them or in remembrance on something they like or had and some just like getting them done because of the attention they get from people  

  9. Wow you are completely sheltered about the real world. You are down right ignorant about life. Unfortunately this is how life is in most of America. In that part of the country with steel mills and coal mines are how these people made a living. Its hard work. To build this great country it took strong men and women who even though are the backbone of America are not paid well and this is their culture and it developed because of how they lived. Even though they look like "white trash" they are proud people and do not deserve to be called trash. Their weather beaten face was hard earned and is a badge of honor. We are on hard times in this country and I can not wait for you to get knocked off your high horse so you can join us. I suggest you get out of your ivory tower more often. I suggest you volunteer at a soup kitchen just for one day and maybe talk to these people you look down upon.

    As for the tattoo whats goes through your head when you pick out a set of earrings or new blouse. The only difference is they have the courage to be themselves and commitment to something, while you are too shallow to make up your own mind these people know what they are and are dedicated to something and want to show it to the world.

  10. to me a lot of tattoos scattered around odd parts of the body do not look good, but when they are connected, sleeve & chest pieces for example, i think they can look great

    saying that, each to their own

  11. Well, as someone who is married to a person with tattoos all over their body, and as someone who ASPIRES to be someone with tattoos all over their body, I have to say those people are probably a lot cooler than you.  So yeah.

  12. I view tattooing as a form of art.  I have a very beautiful piece of art on my body for eternity, and will continue to get beautiful pieces of art on my body.  If you saw me I would probably fit into your little box of appearing "normal".  I dress nicely and work in a professional atmosphere.  However, if you were to catch me hanging out in my front yard sunbathing and see the tattoo I have on my entire left side, would I be trash as well?  I make a very good living, own my own home, drive a nice car, support my son by myself, but I'm trash because I have a tattoo and will be getting more of them?  Please tell me how that makes sense?  I also happen to love looking at men that are fully tatted.  My artist that I go to has tat's from the jaw line down (well there's a little break in them and I'm not telling how I know that), and I find him to be one of the best looking guys I've ever seen.  You cannot judge a book by it's cover, and when you get old enough to have to earn your way through life, may God help you never fall on hard times or your view may actually sway.  When you point a finger and judge just remember how many are pointing back at you!

  13. worry about yourself....its how some people express themselves.... grow up and quit judging people....

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