
What do you think of people who overly treat their pets like humans?

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Do you agree or do they annoy you...?




  1. i agree i had a dog that would protect me or any family member because of the way i trained him and i treated him just like he was part of the family he ate better than any dog i ever knowed of

  2. aww..i love it!! i have a cat named skamp, who every night at around midnight he comes into my room and i make im a little 'nest' with a blanket at the top right corner of mi bed so he can sleep there.. i out him in it and then cover him. i sleep with my door closed mosta the time so if he needs to go to the bathroom or get a drink, i get up and open the door thenwait till hee  comes back to go bk to be. i see absolutely NOTHING wrong with this. animals are like lil furry people except you dont have to change their diapers=]

  3. I Agree.

    You say that they are just "Animals"


    They feel pain

    They Have a heart

    They Have Feelings

    They Get Angry

    They Get Sad

    They Need Food

    They need Exercise

    They Can think

    they have their own personality

    Sounds To Me that they are like humans more than you think.

    All my pets are treated like they are a part of my family and i think that all animals should be treated like they are part of a family.

  4. They annoy me. I love my pets and think it's great that animals get such great care.... but they ARE just animals

  5. that annoys me, and it is something i will never understand. you love your pet yes, but it still is an animal.

  6. my dog is my kid-my kids are grown gone with lives of their own

  7. If it makes them happy, then why bother getting worked up over it? It isn't as if the animal were suffering.

    If there is one phrase that annoys me, it is, "it's just an animal". Animals are either male or female, not "its". Though, yes they are animals, so are we.

  8. whatever makes you happy, right

  9. pets are part of the family, I think it is good too include them and treat them well, Many cats and dogs sleep on their masters bed and its just what they feel comphtable  with I think you get so attached too your animal you tend too treat them like a person!  

  10. totally annoy me but i do it to my cat lol

  11. Well....Theres no harm in it is there?

    As long as the animal is loved and cared for, its okay in my books.

  12. I don't have a problem with it so long as it doesn't cause harm to the pet. I'd rather see someone that loves their pet a bit more then usual then someone that keeps their pet on a chain in the yard and just gives them the basic necessities.

    The only time it bothers me is when people think their pets should behave like humans or eat the same kind of diet as humans- that's where it can cause harm to the pet. You have to be able to understand what's normal behavior for the species you keep.

    Otherwise though, who cares if someone really loves their pet? I say good for them, there's so few people out there that really seem to care about anything more then themselves and their appearance.  

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