
What do you think of people who "save the animals and abort the babys"?

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i dont have a thing against them im just sayin...




  1. I try not to make mistakes but I still have erasers on my pencils.

  2. This borders on ancient Greek Mythology

    i thought bestiality was frowned upon in this modern world


    What do you say about people who allow wars to happen that means bombing thousands of women and children .like the Americans have done repeatedly all through the last century and recently in this one.

    and then shout about terminating what will be unwanted babies ,whilst thousands of unwanted children are alive that can be adopted

    In the light of a global world population explosion,which has more than doubled in the last 50 years

    And then advocate deforesting huge tracts of Nature in other countries to support the economy at home ,which destroys thousands of species of wild life

    Do you think that humans are the only Earthlings who have a right to be here

    that we can just go on dominating the planet for our own specie alone

    In Nature ALL species naturally limit their numbers according to food supply

    Watch the movie -Eartlings.--if you dare

    which i doubt

    And browse for a documentary in 3 parts called --the power of nightmares --to see the truth why we have wars

    which are no more that financial ventures that are carefully orchestrated

    Why can China continue with their attacks on the people of  Tibet ,could it be that there is no oil there ????

    Would you resort to cannibalism if in the future there are more people than cabbages ,(that was a joke)

  3. Babies are animals. I am assuming you mean, "abort babies while saving other animals". One needs to compare apples with apples too when it comes to abortion verses saving golden bell frogs for example. The equation is not humans verses bell frogs, the equation is one of 6.6 billion humans (that the parents presumably don't want) against an entire species of frog close to extinction, once gone, never to be seen in the universe again. To answer your question, I very much admire people who put the environment and animals that are struggling to share the planet with a growing onslaught of human beings, above their own selfish desires to have a baby.

  4. Typical left wing hypocrites.

  5. The same thing that I think about people who

    - want to save fetusses but oppose preconception birth control;

    - want to outlaw abortion but oppose funding prenatal care for the poor so that those babies might be healthy

    - want to decrease out of wedlock births but oppose s*x education in schools

    they are total HIPPOCRITES!

  6. Somehow i feel if a woman had kittens instead of a person, they would be less inclined to abort.

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