
What do you think of persians ??

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What do you think of persians ??




  1. The Persians were a fantastic society.  Despite the criticism they have recieved for being classified as Muslim Iranians, they were far more similar to a modern America then a modern Iran.  Pop-culture depicts the Persians as a society made of Arab animals similar to the ancient Egyptians refered to in the Bible, most recently in the so-historically-inaccurate movie, 300.  The fact is, slavery was against the laws in Persia

    As for the Persian people, they loved their Kings, including Dariius and Xerxes as two of the more prevelent.  They had open laws which allowed for freedom of speech and press.  The famous historian Herodotus, who was known for talking down of the Persian culture, was actually a resident to Persia.  It was becuase of Persian free speech laws that he was able to talk such ways about the country he lived in.  Also noted is that Persians were more caucasian then they were anything else.  This is evident by Northern Iran citizens being mostly caucasian, where Southern Iran is more Arab.  This was due to the fall of Persian to Alhommads, which ultimatley converted the Persians from their religion to Muslim, which was, by the way, a monotheistic religion, also observed by the Kurds.

    The Persians were the first people to adapt a Bill of Rights, similar to the one the US adopted during inception.  Their laws and regulations placed people to be free to their own beliefs and work.  Their military, however, had greater rewards and benefits, which lead to the Persians being able to field massive armies of trained Asian and Middle Eastern fighters.  The Persians did actually field Mongol, or Mongol equivillent cavalry, dismissing the belief that Persia is an Arab state, as it is half Asian as well.

    In the end, the Persians made such great contributions they cannot be overlooked as a major civilization, amoung the ranks of the Roman Empire, Chineese Dyansties, Greek civilizations and the Ancient Egyptians.  They made great technological advancements such as the movements of Greek fire and non-gun powder artillary.

  2. their great

    i have got loads iranian friends they are cool to hang around with and they are so fun

    we should really thank them for what they have done for use

    persians have got one of the best history in the world

    persians were the first people to make gold coints and they have made alcohol and they have a great sciencists

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