
What do you think of pit bulls?

by Guest59119  |  earlier

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What is your overall oppinion of pit bulls and american bull dogs?




  1. both make wonderful pets if the people who own them socialize them right when they are young. you can rehabilitate an older dog to if you know what you are doing. they do make wonderful family pets!!

  2. I think they're great dogs.  The few irresponsible owners that have trained their dogs to fight are creating a bad image that represents the entire breed.  I've been around alot of Pits that were both people and animal friendly and showed no signs of aggression.  I believe any breed of dog can be trained to be aggressive or just depends on the owner.

    Ban the act, not the breed.

  3. Pit bulls can seem to be very friendly nice animals, but I don't think they can be trusted.  I read an article a while back that convinced me of this.  It seems that this breed has been raised and bred to be aggressive fighting dogs for centuries.  The article talked to people who had the dogs who had no problem with them until something triggered an attack.  The nature of the dog, due to this selective breeding, is to attack a wounded or weak creature, which includes humans.  One woman had the dog for years, and then she fell.  Because she appeared weak to the dog, he attacked.  They will also do this with children, because they appear weak.  Thinking you can socialize, or train them to behave differently is like thinking you can get a dalmation and train it not to run, or get a bird dog and train it not to kill birds.  The breeding has instilled instinct in a dog, and they cannot be trained out of them.

  4. Very smart and nice dogs unless mistreated. It is very sad that often people do just that and they end up aggressive, get blamed for the behavior people taught them and get euthanized.  

  5. If you come across a dangerous dog      blame the owners.     These are beautiful dogs with a reputation they don't deserve, all because of how some people choose to bring them up.

  6. Just like any breed of dog you can train them to be calm and loving or mean and hateful. I wouldn't want around my child and I am not sure I would totally trust them. I would be afraid they would turn on me but pits are beautiful dogs. I have actually met 2 that were very very sweet and gentle. I just would be afraid they'd turn on someone and all the liability alone would be enough to make me say no to owning one... Regular old bull dogs are pretty cool but they slobber! :-P

  7. I was raised with an amazing brindle pit bull who would have given his life for me. They are amazingly loyal and affectionate dogs, however, they require a lot more attention than your average dog.

    They do have tempers on them but that can easily be controlled by good training and an equal respect between dog and owner. They're beautiful animals and make outstanding pets and with lots of love and patience, there is probably no better dog in the world.

  8. bull dogs are cute but i have more to say about pitbulls.

    pitbulls; people judge them wrong. they think its their breed thats a makes it aggresive. nope, its the owners. abuse, neglect, abandoning, and using for fighting. its horrible. truly truly horrible. its not the dog, its the owners. i like pitbulls, mostly because of how people think of them. they r cute too!

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