
What do you think of ppl who name their kids

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Names that are super common- do you think that they are scared to give their kids something different?

Would you name your kid something different/unique or old fashioned?

I think it should be balanced the first name should be unique and the middle should be old fashioned




  1. I feel that as long as you name your child a name that is meaningful to you and is full of love, you should not worry about what any one thinks. So what if your child is in a class with 12 kids with the name James? As long as the name is meaningful to you I say go with it. I think that parents that give their children old fashioned names aren't scared, but they just like the name. My sons names are Jaymes and Christian. Both have family oriented ties to them.  

  2. When you go with a traditional name you are taking the path that is least likely to get your children made fun of.  I wanted to name my daughter Brooklyn, or Arrianna Nevaeh or Hunter for a boy.  Instead we went with traditional names, Elizabeth anne, Thomas Daniel, and Ryan Micheal.  We call them Libby, TJ and Ryan.  I am so glad we didn't go for something trendy.  These names will suit the through their whole life, no matter what they do.  I love their names and I wouldn't change them.  I think they will be taken more seriously, get more respect and probably go further in life for it.  Think about your children when you name them

  3. people name their kids from the meaning of the name...Im going to give my kids names that have good meaning and that doesn't sound stupid.

  4. I would NEVER name my kid something common! Im so not that kind of person. Im a daring person :D

  5. Hi,

    This is an interesting question! My dh and I are trying to name our baby coming in a few months-- and it is hard to do!

    i think people with common names go out of the way to name babies with unique names. For example, my name is Jen, and I grew up with so many other Jens, Jennas, Jennifers, etc. I will make sure that I go with a unique name!

    I think it is a personal choice-- we are trying for a traditional middle name and a unique first name that isn't too "out there". I am a teacher and I do know that kids get teased and names get mispronounced. You don't want to be cruel.

    I think with naming kids you have to think about how it fits with your last name, your style and how it will grow with the child.

    Good luck!

  6. I think people have good reasons to name their children what they do...whether it is different or common.

    Although, I really do love my daughter's name...obviously I do because that's what I named her lol...her name is Faith MayAnn

  7. I think people should be allowed to name their kids whatever they like. Even though it is common.

    My grama named my mother Ann Marie S. and she named her that not because she was scared to name her something different but because her first dollies name was Ann Marie :D

    Soooooo yeah, you can name your baby WHATEVER....

  8. well i personally dont care if its common or not. im going to name my kid whatever i want.

    i mean yeah it would be better to name them something unique but i think that if you like the name then you should name your kid that.

    i love the name Evelyn and Phoebe.

    i also love the name Christopher and Isaac.

  9. yes i do, some names are just so simple (my name is really nayzza)

    if i had a girl, id name her cinida (pronounced sin- i- da) or raelyn (ray- lyn)

    idk what i would name a boy..

    for a whole name for a baby girl i would choose :

    cinida michelle (last name)

    raelyn jessica (last name)

  10. I think it truly depends.  I love old fashioned/classic names.  My husband isn't exactly thrilled with them, so we compromised.

    It also depends on the child - we had a couple names picked out when we went in to have the baby - but one look at that face, and we completely changed our minds.


  11. I'm not against naming your child something different, but I'm strongly against those way out there names that in the end is going to get the child picked on through it's life. We are all entitled to name our children what we want, and we name them what we do because it's something we like. My husband and I have difficult times naming our kids because of difference of opinion. I'm not into changing the spelling of a name because you want it to be different than the next kid's. It just makes it look stupid and mispelled if it's not done right. Not saying you can't switch it up a little, but there have been cases to where I have seen parents totally hack a perfectly fine name. My kids are Haley Brooke, Brianna  (Bree on uh) Elizabeth, and Madeline (Mad uh lynn) Elise.

  12. I think people who give their kids names like Jaden, Kaden, Aidan, Madison, Madelyn, McKayla so on and so forth, think they are giving their kids new trendy names, but actually they are about 6 years behind. Maybe they don't realize that every kid ages 0 to 8 have those exact names.

    I love old fashioned and unique names. I's kind of an injustice to your kid to name them something dull that they will share with every other kid in their class. It's just not very special to be one of six Jadens and one of four Isabells and one of five Collins in their class alone.  

  13. I think whatever you like is what you should name your kid...common or not.  

  14. Like you, I agree there should be a balance.  If the first name is 'unique' then the middle name should be more traditional, and vice versa.  I also think there is a big difference between unique/different and madeup.  People are trying so hard to be different, it's backfiring.  My boys all have unisex names(they sound like male names to me) so they all have masculine middle names.  Just in case their names make the cross to a girls name.  I took my son, Logan, to his preschool orientation today and some of these kids names..... they were made up and ridiculous, not all of them. The point I'm trying to make is: The parents were trying so hard to be different/unique, that Logan and the two other kids with 'common names'  stood out more than the rest because the name is more traditional.  You're thinking oh look a jacob, that's the third kid whos name I've been able to pronounce, just by looking at their name tag.  i think the kids being born now are all going to name there kids stuff like Anna, Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas, Jacob, Matthew......Just because they're tired of these made up names, that sound almost ridiculous.  No offense to people whose kids names are made up or 'unique', just give them a strong middle name to fall back on, just in case.

  15. I don't think anything of people of name their kids common names, i am sometimes annoyed by people who give their kids names that have no meaning or origin. In America my name is weird and some people think it sounds ghetto .. in the Middle East my name is very common and very special.

  16. I would name my baby something that's uncommon but not out there. I'd use old fashion names that's not common Jacqueline or Elyse or Emilia

  17. i think my daughter has a unique first name and an old fashioned middle name. her name is: kambria pearl.

  18. I tend to lean towards old fashioned names.  Because I like them, or because it's after someone important in my family.  Just because something is old fashioned doesn't mean it's super common.  Also, old fashioned names have a lot more "history" to them.

    Btw, I don't think that taking some name, and changing up the spelling doesn't automatical make it unique.

  19. some people like traditional names, but i find it boring. there are so many beautiful names to choose from. however, i don't like made-up names or weird spellings of ordinary names. i love a lot of the older, classic names.

  20. I think maybe they lack imagination, or maybe they're afraid of being different somehow. I can't imagine how boring it would be to have the same name as lots of other people - I have a relative with a really boring first name and he always goes by his middle name because if it. I would definitely want my children to feel unique. Can you imagine if Elvis had been called John? Or if Madonna had been called Jane? They just wouldn't have been the same. lol :-)

  21. It has nothing to do with being Scared.  I just find some of the outlandish things people are subjecting their child too... immature and irresponsible.  

    I had a very classic and common name, and i still have to spell it everytime i give my name. When i'm in a crowded room, i have to repeat myself.  And i got stuck with a LAME nick name that comes with a sound effect.  It is inconvient and annoying. Why would i subject my child to the same?

    And as for truely UNIQUE names... its not fair to judge someone based on their name alone... but it happens! And i would have serious problems taking someone serious with a name that was from too far in left field. I can only assume i'm not the only one. I will do everything in my power to ensure my child runs into as few unnessicary obsticles in life that i can. If that starts with a name.... so be it.  

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