
What do you think of purity rings?

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give me your honest opinion on them.




  1. i think they are amazing! and the people who say "your parents made you have em" no...because nobody has one in my family, and I got it and THEN told my mom..nobody has one but me and it was my decision, and a lot of different people's decisions. and the people that say its just because the jonas brothers, it isnt. its a choice and the JB just so happen to set a great example for all the people who want/wear them. its not like they think the JB will marry them because they have a purity ring..its because they want it.

  2. They are pointless, why does somebody need a ring to remind them of something?

  3. a what? man, that sounds as dumb as pre-comittment rings, and commitment rings (yes, they exist, they are not, unfortunately, a myth). if people don't trust you enough to believe you ,  ***** them!

    yeah, ok, i only just noticed the pun. long day. but seriously, if people won't believe you or trust you, then why bother with them.  and why would you want the world to know you sexual experience, or lack thereof?

  4. I think they are ridiculous. If you want to remain pure, that's great and you should be firm enough in your beliefs that you don't need a ring to remind you of what you believe in! Just wearing a ring does not, in any way, shape, or form, guarantee that a person is a virgin.

  5. Just another commercialization.

  6. pure retardedness :]

    Idk, It's someone's choice if they want to stay "Pure"

    Not a ring's.


  7. kinda stupid. why do they need to advertise they are not sexual

  8. lame.  nice thought, but rings not necessary

  9. I actually am wearing one. I am 15 year old Christian girl and I have had it for almost 2 years. I believe they are a very great way to remind not only yourself, but those around you that you are committed to purity until marriage.  I have been teased because of my ring but my opinion is that no matter what you do, you will have people who hate you so I figure be yourself and let the rest go.  

    My boyfriend actually does have a ring too but he doesn't wear simply because he is a private person and believes it's his personal choice.  It is hard at times when I am with him but I just know it will make my wedding night all the more worth it.  

    I prefer to hold my boyfriend with my left hand and when he asked me why I told him "Because I can feel the barrier of the ring and it just reminds me that even if I want to go further I can't." and that is my opinion of purity rings. Sorry it's a little bit long.  GOD BLESS.

  10. you know i wish i would get one

    it would be a reminder no matter who says what and who thinks what

    all you have to do is look down at your finger

    and say

    "you know..i agreed to this ring for one reason and that is because i know what is best for my well being and health overall

  11. I think they're a waste of money.

  12. great idea - would make the mission way more intresting - but with shno shignificant problemsh.

  13. they are great if you use them. I never did. I thought it was up to me to choose, not a ring, not

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