
What do you think of????

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Ok my kids are 7, 4 almost 5, and 4months

Tabber wants to know what you think of his name. (4 Boy)

also so do Addaca (7 Girl).... (Deacon too) Baby..

so Tell us whats on your mind about there names

we all have unique names. mine is Kaybre and my husbands name is Dayn....

so do you have any uniqueness in your family like names..Ect.




  1. Tabber: your name is very different, very unique :*)

    Addaca: I really love your name, very beautiful <3

    Deacon: very strong cute name :D

  2. I enjoy the names, Addaca and DayN are my favorites out of the picks.

    Oh haha....I like Tayber ALOT more that Tabber:)

  3. I looked at Tabber and was displeased. It seems too mcuh like you tried to hard? Addaca is pretty I like that and Deacon is nice, almost becoming more common now. Kaybre is very pretty, and Dayn is spelled nice (if that makes sense) but when I go to prononounce I don't know what to say. I like how your kids names are "spellable" and not difficult like a bunch of silent letters etc.

    I wish my family had some unique names! I think my mother's middle name (Cyrene) is unique and pretty and I want my daughter to have that middle name when I have one...but otherwise we have names like...Morgan...and Patrice...Tiffany *sigh*  

  4. My son's name is Liam-James Tyler.  

  5. They are all interesting, and uncommon names for sure. My sons both have names that aren't real 'unique'. I guess we went for more traditional names. I have heard Deacon before, but never Tayber, or Addaca so they definitely will be one in a crowd.

  6. Yeah you Guys and Girls are cute!!


    Yes Aadyn and Addisyn both have different spelled names.

    Aadyns middle name too Leame. (liam)

    I love your cute little family!

  7. Tabber is cute for a nickname, glad to see that his actual name is Tayber! It's cute, but sort of reminds me of "Teddy Bear"

    Addaca is pretty. Very old fashioned.

    Deacon is my favorite! Gorgeous name for a boy.

  8. i've always like uncommon names! it gets so boring with all the mikes, and matts, and ashleys. theres really no uniquness in my family though, i wish there was. the mose it goes is Randi. (for a girl) But one of my friends has a cousin named Nevaeh (na-va-a....heaven spelled backwards.) and i've always loved that idea. Tell your kids to keep the tradition going!

  9. weird names.. but whatever floats your boat..

    Dayn is nice, although I prefer the spelling Dane

  10. They're a bit too "out there" for me, but they're not my children.

  11. I can't think about Tayber without thinking about this kid I know that has an extreme sexual foot fetish and looks at naked anime woman on the internet.

    No positive comments there, I'm sorry! If he asks though, tell him I like it! Dont' want the little guy to be sad. ):

    I like the sound of Addaca and Deacon is a lovely, manly name. ;]

    Day-N is a ghetto name if I've ever seen one. LOL. Dane is nice, but Day-N, lol, I'm sorry I'm being rude, but you asked. :D

    I don't like the spelling of Kaybre, but I do like the sound.

    There you go!

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