
What do you think of.........?

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david icke?

he claims that the royal family are mind controlling shape shifting lizards who sacrifice babies!

any thoughts on this? just interested




  1. I don't think much of David Icke.

  2. What's to like about David Icke?  Unless Icke's audience takes his writings as social satire, his New Age conspiracy theories can be summed up with the idea that a secret elite rules the world.  Icke cultivates the far right and has been attacked for Anti-Semiticism since he claims that the Rothschilds and other Jewish banking families planned the Holocaust and financed Hitler.

    My question is if the "Illuminati" are controlling the world, why aren't they doing a better job of it?  Some of those targeted with this label can't walk and chew gum at the same time!

  3. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Can't people just grow up?

  4. David Icke is a moron who needs to get a real job.

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