
What do you think of "Multiple Personalities"?

by Guest33536  |  earlier

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Do you think it could be spirits taking over a person's body?

It's on tv right now.




  1. I like some, but I do not like others

  2. No, bi-polar

  3. Yes, I think it is deamon possession.

    That would be a place for those doing that show on TV to go and cast them out!

    And any other circles groups that can Fast first, then Use The Name, The Word, and the Blood to be successful.

  4. No, the cause of multiple personalities is well studied and known. The brain creates physical barriers between sections of neurons to basically create mini-brains that dont have contact to the rest of the brain. This way it can seal off and protect itself from sever trauma. Kind of like chopping off a hand with gang green to save someones life.

    Anyway, thats the simple explanation, but there is nothing paranormal about it, unless you live in the 1600s and want to drill a hole in the persons head so you can chase the demons out. PLEASE!

    edit: Changing your personality is something everyone does. We all have different rolls for different situations. We play the parent, child, lover, etc. Each of these creates a different personality in the brain. With MPD these personalities get physically seperated and can not communicate with the other personalities.

  5. I discovered that my girlfriend had multiple personalities. She was unaware of it (until I told her), but her alternate was aware of it. Her alternate was unable to open her eyes, only came out when she was sleeping, and had a very different personality. Believe me, it is not spirits taking over someone's body, and it is not simply someone changing their mood.

    It is caused by tramatic experiences, and it is the way that the person deals with (or more precisely, represses) the experiences that creates the multiple personalities.

  6. If that were true, then that would the mean the individual's mind were intune. If thats the case, then I would think the individual would have something special to show about themselves other than just spirits being invoked through themselves.

  7. Multiple personality disorder (MPD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behavior. The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other. The unity of consciousness, by which we identify our selves, is said to be absent in MPD. Another symptom of MPD is significant amnesia which can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. In 1994, the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV replaced the designation of MPD with DID: dissociative identity disorder. The label may have changed, but the list of symptoms remained essentially the same.

    Memory and other aspects of consciousness are said to be divided up among "alters" in the MPD. The number of "alters" identified by various therapists ranges from several to tens to hundreds. There are even some reports of several thousand identities dwelling in one person. There does not seem to be any consensus among therapists as to what an "alter" is. Yet, there is general agreement that the cause of MPD is repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. The evidence for this claim has been challenged, however, and there are very few reported cases of MPD afflicting children.

    Psychologist Nicholas P. Spanos argues that repressed memories of childhood abuse and multiple personality disorder are "rule-governed social constructions established, legitimated, and maintained through social interaction." In short, Spanos argues that most cases of MPD have been created by therapists with the cooperation of their patients and the rest of society. The experts have created both the disease and the cure. This does not mean that MPD does not exist, but that its origin and development are often, if not most often, explicable without the model of separate but permeable ego-states or "alters" arising out of the ashes of a destroyed "original self."

    A rather common view of MPD is given by philosopher Daniel Dennett.

    ...the evidence is now voluminous that there are not a handful or a hundred but thousands of cases of MPD diagnosed today, and it almost invariably owes its existence to prolonged early childhood abuse, usually sexual, and of sickening severity. Nicholas Humphrey and I investigated MPD several years ago ["Speaking for Our Selves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder," Raritan, 9, pp. 68-98] and found it to be a complex phenomenon that extends far beyond individual brains and the sufferers.

    These children have often been kept in such extraordinary terrifying and confusing circumstances that I am more amazed that they survive psychologically at all than I am that they manage to preserve themselves by a desperate redrawing of their boundaries. What they do, when confronted with overwhelming conflict and pain, is this: They "leave." They create a boundary so that the horror doesn't happen to them; it either happens to no one, or to some other self, better able to sustain its organization under such an onslaught--at least that's what they say they did, as best they recall

  8. a psychic meduim friend of ours said that there is such a thing called a walk-in. it seems that somewhere in the person's life.. he totally changes.. totally.. he said its because another soul has taken over the body.. his example was.. a soul was supposed to come as a particular person,, but because of some unfinished business, he asked another soul to go as that particular person and once he has finished his business.. he will take over and the other soul can go back.. i dont know whether its true.. but that what our friend told us..

  9. WOW  what great answers you have recieved and very accurate I would agree with ryans answer. as far as it being spirits in rare cases a person was possessed  by a demonic entity but this is a rare case some hardcore religions claim mental disorders are indeed possessions and believed to be the works of the devil .I honstesly very seldom come accross a MPD person whith paranormal ties in my investigations

  10. let me ask myself and i will get back to you

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