
What do you think of "trainer" chopsticks?

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I went to a japanese steakhouse and saw some people using chopsticks that were "hinged" at the top of the sticks so that they could use chopsticks without having to really learn how to use them.




  1. I tried those when I first started using chopsticks. Personally, I found them much more difficult to use than the regular chopsticks.

    Since the primary purpose of the restaurant is to keep their customers happy, I don't care if they offer trainer chopsticks or forks.If their customers are happy and the restaurant makes money, who cares what kinds of utensils they use.  

  2. I believe trainer chopsticks are fine.  Asians focus on the food, and less on everything else, like etiquette or ambiance, etc.

    As for using normal chopsticks, the "trick" is to understand that only one of the two chopsticks actually moves.  The other is static and use as a "back stop" for the other one to hold the food item.

  3. I have always used regular chopsticks, but there's nothing wrong with using trainer chopsticks.

  4. I've seen these. Actually I've tried them and I find them much harder to use than real chopsticks.  

    I learned to use chopsticks at a young age, in my early teens.  It wasn't hard for me. In California where I live, EVERYONE knows how to eat with chopsticks.

    I think the fake kind are just to overcome peoples' objections.  If they are only going to use chopsticks for this one meal and never again, maybe they don't feel it's worth the trouble to actually learn how to use them.  I would try to persuade them to use real chopsticks, they're not that hard at all.

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