
What do you think of reverse sexium?

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Thanks to sophias for the good read.




  1. After 5.2783 million years of domestic slavery of women by The Patriarchy, men surely deserve it.

  2. Any changes in language usage only happens if it exists in real life.The article does say what roles are assosiated with what gender as is the current universal perception. There is one thing that i absolutely agree with which bugs me too- the fact that when casualties are referred to its always ' the innocent women and children' and not the innocent men. It almost equates women with animals or mentally challenged or child like human beings incapable of thought

  3. I don't call it reverse sexism. I just call it sexism.

    I also think men should be treated more fairly in the family court. But this is mostly the onus of the judges.

  4. No such thing as reverse sexism. I think what you mean is sexism again men as opposed to sexism against women.

    Sexism is sexism whatever way you look at it.

  5. The reality is, sexism against men is more tolerated and accepted in our society, media, and even the laws. Men often can't openly voice their concern over this issue without being labeled a sexist b*****d and a misogynist. Sad.

  6. I think it would be nice change from the sexism perpetuated against males at the moment :)

  7. That's not a good read.  That's brainless trash.  Why are MRA's so dishonorable?  AND, why are some boys so gullible and needy for a leader no matter how  much a loser like Warren Farrell?  For example, that 90% child-custody award rate that favor women so-called MRA's "statistic". that's bogus.  Eighty-three percent of fathers DECLINE custody of their children.  A fairly large percentage of the morons fail to show up in court for proceedings and such AFTER they decide to "fight" for custody, like, "Oh.  Duh!  This was the day I was suppose to show up in court and prove to the judge how much my kids mean to me but, gosh, judge, I was watching the game and lost track of time" or some brain infarct like that. thousands of those types.  A fairly large percentage of them can't follow through with their noble cry for possession of the pigskin, so-to-say, because they're in jail, usually because they beat their wives or raped her or abused the kids, typically why a woman might want to get a divorce and those kind of guys just don't measure up in the light of day as much as they do on their misogynistic MRA chatroom communities. Anyway, basically only about 15% of child-custody decisions aren't resolved by the parents during family counseling and other family court steps for pre-court resolution.  Of those 15% of "fathers", about 5% have no means of support.  Duh. And, some are in jail.  Duh. And, during court, a certain percentage can't prove any knowledge of their own child's basic world, like their teacher's names, favorite colors, names of their children's friends etc, indicating no significant involvement with their children prior to taking the matter to court that their children would be better off with them for some reason, despite the obvious historical indifference.  Some have criminal records.  Children over about ten get to choose in most courts, during interviews with the judge, which parent the child wishes to live with, which the vast majority choose to live with their mothers when so asked.  And so on.  So, to be generous, that's about 5-7% of fathers in child-custody tug-a-war cases.  So, to be fair, it should go 50-50 at that point, leaving 2-3% of ALL fathers in divorce "at risk" of being "screwed" by the feminazi conspiracy.  Personally, I haven't been paying any attention since I wrote that part about over 80 percent of fathers don't even ask for custody to start with.

  8. There is no such thing as reverse sexism, just as there is not such thing as reverse racism.  Sexism, is sexism, and racism is racism regardless of who is involved.  Calling it "reversed" validates it by assuming it is okay since the person is typically the one discriminated against.

  9. There's no such thing as reverse sexism. You're either viewed as an equal or you're not.

    This is why women should be spending more time in the kitchen and leave society to men.

  10. "Reverse sexism" does not exist. It's either sexist or it's not. Sexism is discrimination, stereotyping, or a system of oppression against one s*x, in this case men.

    And anyone who thinks the feminist movement doesn't address men's issues has been hanging with the wrong feminists. Many feminists oppose gender roles for either s*x, finding them constricting and limiting.

    But if August thinks that women being depicted as the parents is sexist ONLY against men, he has it wrong. Women in the home with the kids is just reinforcing the same old gender roles all over again.

    The custody thing is a trickier issue. Though not to a level at all close to 90%, it IS somewhat more common for the father to up and leave simply because of biology-- the woman is the one giving birth, so it's pretty obvious who her kids are, but it's less so for the man.

    The article makes a lot of good points, though.

    "It is not acceptable for a boy to cry. If a mother dresses a boy in a skirt, it is an outrage, but if a mother dresses a girl in pants, a baseball cap and tennis shoes it is ok. It is ok for a girl to hit a boy, but not ok for a boy to hit a girl."

    This is EXACTLY what my mother's generation of feminists tried to fight when raising their children, just so you know. :)

    But on the hitting thing-- it's not ok for anyone to be hitting anyone else.

    Calling it "reverse sexism," though, is just sexist itself ("it's not sexism if it's against men"), and takes a lot of power away from the article.

  11. I agree that there's no such thing as "reverse sexism".  If you believe that sexism only negatively affects women then you're naive.  Same thing goes for "reverse racism".

  12. Can't find anything scholarly, can you?

    There is no such thing as "reverse racism", "reverse sexism", etc.  There *is* racism and there *is* sexism.

    *Why aren't more men fighting for paternity leave?

  13. It sucks and happens here on this board; no matter how polite you are, just the fact that you have an opposing opinion is enough to get threatened, intimidated and asked to die.  

    Some of us are fighting just to talk to our child/ren.  Or to keep our job.  To them, it's a joke.  To us, it's life...we are humans.  Please treat us as such.  We request equal rights.

    Someday the media will attack women the way it is attacking men.  By then, it will be too late...when you can attack one Citizen, you can more easily attack all.*

  14. When we're greedy; only thinking of ourselves we become blind.

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