
What do you think of road rage ?

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What do you think of road rage ?




  1. I'm almost to the point of suggesting legislation that puts it in the category of a hate-crime.

    It's entirely too easy to be anonymous and discourteous in our cars, as evidenced by the number of people with a growing sense of entitlement.

    On the other side of the coin, I can understand how spending twenty minutes in traffic to watch a couple people push a car, with more money invested in rims than the car is worth, three blocks to a gas station can seem annoying. Annoying or not, it doesn't give me any right to be agressive towards them.

    Being able to afford and drive a car doesn't give you a right to be a prick to anyone. (I'll make one notable exception, the wino that opened my door to demand cash from me at a redlight warranted my being a prick.)

    If anything, the only retalliation I generally take towards most people that seem prone to road rage is to, (after they've nearly taken my front bumper off to get around a truck in front of them and given me the finger when I honked,) is to grin and chuckle at them at the next light we come to. They usually get so tweaked that they'll do something stupid in front of the next cop they come to in order to keep me from laughing in their faces.

    It's easier to laugh than get angry.


  2. i know, iam guilty of it a little, but not as bad as some ive seen, some will stick their head out the window and say something like where did you get your license from? a bubble gum machine?but thats mild to what i have seen, but i cant say the things they said, especially on here. i need to work on myself some more, but iam not as bad as i use to be lol.

  3. Road rage is stupid & it's dangerous.

  4. i think it sucks and kills people!

  5. i think road rage is just another way for stupid overly aggressive people to take their problems out on the innocent people around them

  6. Makes me wish I had an Abrams at times. lol

  7. It's pretty pathetic, even though I admit falling victim to it at times.

  8. Thank goodness it does not bother me.  I try to be patient on the road.  that sometimes means letting aggressive drivers have the road, pass in front, etc.  Doing so has never caused me to get where i'm going later than i intended to.

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