
What do you think of robots?

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Kinda scary?




  1. Quote:

    Let’s start with the three fundamental Rules of Robotics.... We have: one, a robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Two, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. And three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

    Author: Asimov, Isaac

    Attribution: Isaac Asimov (1920–1992), Russian-born U.S. author. I, Robot (1950). Powell, in Runaround, story first published in Astounding Science Fiction (March 1942).

    These three laws have been generally adopted by writers on robots, according to Asimov, who called the formulation his most important contribution to science fiction, and also claimed that this passage contains the first recorded use of the term, “Robotics”

    An android is a robot designed to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior.

  2. I like robots.  Maybe it's because I am one myself.

  3. While I am sure that we will never get taken over by robots or something in a horror movie or something.

    The threat robots pose to our workforce scares me.  Robots are very efficient at automating manufacturing and what not.  In the long haul, they make big bucks.  Problem is what are people whose jobs that can  be automated are going to do?

    Some lack the resources or motivation to get the education/training to get a skilled job.  Some companies who have automated things, sometimes can't just get rid of the workers, some don't want to lay a bunch of people off, and pay them to do "busy work", then again the robots/machine probably save them enough to where they can do that.

    On the other hand, such jobs are really tough.  My mother did temp. office work for a electrical engine plant.  Lot of floor workers get crushed fingers, drop things on their feet, bad backs...  With a robot, such tasks are not dangerous.  

    Again with the issues of our education system, quite a bit of Americans could get hurt if they can't change jobs when it is replaced by robots.  However, humans can adpat unlike robots.

  4. Didn't you see the movie "Short Circuit" where the robot comes to life.  Thats what happens whenever a robot really does come to life, it is nice and friendly, and likes children, so no worries.

  5. Science still has a long way to go before the robot can compete with mans normal logic, eyesight, hearing, and reasoning.

  6. The ones you see on TV from Japan are really creepy.  Then again Japan has this kinda of "Techno-Creepy" thing going on all the time.   Check out this site----

    They have a lot of creepy Japanese tech adds, even robot one some times.

    More creepy robot links---

    I rest my case, CREEPY!

  7. I work on them at IBM.  Their not that scary.

  8. Only in the horror sci-fi movie sense. In reality they are quite useful and interesting.

  9. I think our future will coexist with robots or sideboards.Robots will never outdo humanity.At the end of the day,we can pull the plug on them.

  10. I like them.

  11. i heard that by the year 2050 computers will have the capacity to be 3 trilliion times smarter than the human brain. that's scary.

  12. ah... not that much as they show in the movies... lol

  13. this is scary evidence of robot ability.

  14. nah... robots aren't scary.

    Now, a robotic Bigfoot's ghost.  That's scary.

  15. Robots aren't paranormal!  They are very real, you car was made by them, your computer was, robots are very common.  Not in the movie sense, but non-the-less very common.

  16. There are many kinds of robots that can be made. You can see them all now from movies, and they have many different personalities.

    There are robots that of course I like and I don't like. I hate the types that in the future will take over nearly all or nearly all kinds of jobs that they're. There are people out there that can't get a good job, and the only job they do are the ones that are very easy to do (I know they were shown in movies, but I forgot which one). Like what will happen when all waiters, which of course are paid low unless they get tips are replaced by robots, not ot mention taxidrivers, cloth makers, and many other things?

    I think it's especially stupid too create robots to control cars just like in the movie I, Robot and animes like Ghost in the Shell (people can always hack into them because they arfe control by a computer sometimes and disaster can happen) .

    That's what I think mostly about robots.

  17. Just remember, they will eventually take over the earth in the future. That's scary.

  18. you mean you have exactly "NO IDEA" of how infamous you are really going to be, on that very special and glorious day.

  19. Robots are s**y

  20. I think they're awesome.

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