
What do you think of roger federer's girlfriend i mean cmon he could of done better than her??

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What do you think of roger federer's girlfriend i mean cmon he could of done better than her??




  1. I Agree

  2. what u think he should go out with some dumb blonde supermodel just cos he can?? Nah man mirkas awesome and apparently shes a great cook and cooks for him all the time...perfect partner.  he loves her so who  r u 2 say

  3. Who cares what you think.  He loves her doesn't he?  He didn't choose her because he wanted the world to approve.  He chose her because that is what he liked and is very happy with.  Look at relationships in America.  People only marry because they suit a certain mold and then they split or sleep with other people because they didn't love them in the first place.  I love the  fact she is not looking anorexic and certainly looks like a beautiful, well rounded woman.

  4. i totally get your point.... roger is not a bad looking guy, he is the one of the greatest players of all time... money and all.. he could have had a better pick then her..

    in reality she is not great looking.. but, maybe she treats him really well, maybe she makes him very happy..

    and sometimes someone with more looks comes with more maintanence.... more risk.. atleast roger probably does not have to worry about her cheating, etc..

  5. I believe that's another reason why so many people love Roger. You would expect someone like him who has had the success, fame and wealth that he has had, to be with some skinny, anorexic, gigantic sized b***s, blonde haired bimbo. But instead his girlfriend is the polar opposite. In fact I find her to be very attractive and appealing to the eyes. They have been together for a long time, long before Roger ever became so dominant or won anything significant, and through all his success, he has stated with her. He loves her a lot and we, his fans, loves him for that!!!

  6. I think she is attractive.  I wouldn't say that she is beautiful.  However, beauty is just one part of being a wonderful partner.  His life is tennis, so she has to be willing to support that 100%.  I don't think I could do that.   She is at all the major matches all over the world.  I always seem to see her in the stands.

  7. he loves her. she's pretty. eight year relationship. solid as rock. let 'em be.

  8. To his eyes, she's beautiful. And to hers, he is.

    Why worry about our opinions. We arent going to live with either.

  9. Actually I think she's rather pretty and you don't know what her personality is like so don't judge if "he could have done better" because plenty of models have no (or bad) personalities!

    There are pictures to be found here:

  10. you have a pic to prove your point?

    edit :  If someone wants us to judge something they should at least throw a link up or something.  And I am in the US we don't really care that much about pro tennis here. At least not enough to remember what players gf's look like.  We can't even show the matches live.

  11. sup-- do a search. If you watched tennis you wouldn't need to see a pic. They show her all of the time during his matches.

    Anyway, I think that's who he chose and they must go well together since its been seven or eight yrs

  12. She doesn't look bad. I think she is a good match. She looks like a regular woman. One that could relate to him more.  I often wonered why they aren't married..but then thought that a huge personal change like marriage could affect his tennis career and she was on the tour she understand this. Why mess up a good thing.

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