
What do you think of seperating the boys and the girls in school?

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I just read about a school in Georgia that is doing just that. I myself do not feel that it is right. What do you think?




  1. I think that so wrong in my book.


  2. I don't think it's a good idea, as the others have mentioned, seperating the sexes does not make it easier 2 concentrate. I was in an all-girls facility; with or without boys, there were still distractions. Instead of boyfriend/girlfriend drama, there was girlfriend/girlfriend drama because hormones are on a rampage during the "teen" years & this is a crucial time 4 "teens" 2 learn how 2 form a healthy relationship.

    As 4 the woman with the 6-year-old besotted with boys, I think your daughter is just curious. She can't base her ideas on anything yet so my advice is 2 sit her down & talk 2 her on HER LEVEL about "the boys" & why she's so interested in them. I'd really listen 2 her & answer all her questions, but I wouldn't offer her information that "over her head." LEave the lines of communations open, you know. That's better than just saying "no, because I said so" because that won't satisfy her curiosity & sooner or later she might rebel against your "demands" & find out 4 herself.....the hard way. Listening & understanding is the key 2 good communication & you can set limits without taking away her independance; it's called COMPROMISE. However, rite now she's only 6 so I suggest you point her in a positive direction while you have the chance. Kids don't forget the valuable lessons they learn @ a young age.

  3. good idea.

  4. I think it is the best way to get a good education.  When boys and girls are in the same class, the girls want to learn and the boys just want to mess around

  5. Girls tend to do better at single s*x schools where they are not trying to get the approval of boys.  There was a survey a while back that showed that parents of boys wanted them to go to mixed schools and parents of girls wanted them to go to single s*x schools.  The girls do tend to civilise the boys a little, but often at the expense of their own education.

  6. It's a horrible idea, males and females were never meant to be seperated, and no it doesn't help with concentration, children always find ways to get distracted, it's only natural.

  7. I think these schools are the best places for educating g**s and lesbians.

    It was approved by the scientists that when children wouldn't see their opposite s*x, they will be interested in their own s*x!

    And even if it's not for being a g*y or L*****n, it would cause some other problems like: When a child that s/he was grown in these schools, meets his/her opposite s*x, They can't really communicate to each other in a normal case!

    And also boys/girls can't understand girls/boys. So they will have problems when they are married too!

    In some countries like Iran, IT IS exactly like this, and they want to make universities like this too.( they want to separate boys and girls in universities)

    In any way you think, It's just wrong!

  8. i went to an all boys school and then a mixed one.... my grades were excellent in the single s*x classes and dropped completely when b***s were around...

  9. I think it makes teens want the opposite s*x more.... alot of all girl students told me stories of L*****n action at school to fulfill sexual needs also once out of school sleeping with every guy they meet...

    Other students get shy and when they turn 18 don't know how to talk or approach the opposite s*x...

  10. i don't think that that is right..

    because, it is in school where kids grow..

    and so, it is better if the kids will learn to socialize with both sexes (in that early age)..


  11. My son goes to a single sexed school and to be honest i think it is a good thing as they do not have to concentrate on attracting the other s*x .

    My girl goes to a mixed s*x school and she is totally besotted with boys .She is only 6 and to be honest if there was a single s*x school for girls she would be in it .

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