
What do you think of sheltered kids?

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what do you think of the kids that can't seem to realize that there's something on the other side of the bubble in which they inhabit? i'm talking about the ones who think that everywhere else in the world is just like their town, that swearing is evil, nothing bad can ever happen to anybody, etc.




  1. Well some of that is good cause childhood is the only time you can ever live in your own little bubble. But on the other hand kids really really need to know about bad people. Cause they'll find out the hard way, and its going to suck real bad.

    Love Haleigh<3

  2. In my work, I sometimes meet college students who never encountered any real diversity or challenge (i.e. they were sheltered) until they left home to go to college.  They are the ones who are least ready to handle college life.  

    Sheltering is fine when they are very young and need security above all else.  Still, they can and should be exposed to diversity as long as it's not presented as threatening.

    By the time they are 10 or so, they are capable of analyzing the world around them and considering their place in it. They can understand that not everything or everyone is safe and predictable, but there are ways of managing the risk.  They can understand that bad things happen, but also that we can and should help others who have had bad things happen to them.  They can begin to understand risk taking and reason. At this point, they should be exposed (gradually if possible) to the wider world.  

    Obviously, no child of any age should have to live with conditions of violence or fear or extreme poverty, but they should also have some sense of reality beyond what they see on TV.

    EDIT: I did not suggest that kids of any age should carry adult burdens or grow up without moral guidance.  Of course they need standards, and parents should provide them.  But when they are old enough to understand, they should be exposed to different points of view and different kinds of people.  Without that, they may grow up to be ethnocentric and prejudiced. They should learn how to take care of themselves in a world that is not always friendly, and at the same time to show compassion for those who have been treated badly.  You can do all that without compromising your own standards and values, and the earlier those lessons are learned, the better.

  3. They're:

    1. Probably Christian.

    2. Doomed.

    Edit: A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square.  Think about that analogy the next time you try to play the "WELL NOT EVERY _____ IS LIKE THAT" card.  Oh, and by the way, think before you write.  Luckily, I understood what you were attempting to get across when you said, "All Christians aren't sheltered," which, by the way means that "no Christians are sheltered" not "Not all Christians are sheltered."

  4. well it's good in the way that there almost always really nice caring people, but when they get out in the world they get a reality check...

    i blame the parents for over sheltering there kids.

  5. OMG! There are kids who are so sheltered they think swearing is evil. Next, you are going to tell me there are kids who think s*x at 14 is wrong!  Most kids, even those who have parents who swear, drink, and change lovers every month, tend to think their view of the world is the only view. It is developmental. Believe it or not, there are plenty of successful, well adjusted adults who were raised with a moral code that might not be representative of the current culture.

  6. My in-laws are doing this to their kids.  You would think they would have learned when my husband rebelled and moved out as soon as he could.  He wants nothing to do with his parents.  These poor kids have to wear long dresses, have long hair, be home schooled, the only time they get out of the house is to go to church 3 times a week.  It is so sad, they have no friends what so ever.  The ages range from 5 to 23, yes 23!  The 23 yr old is waiting for God to bring her husband to her doorstep, in the meantime she doesnt work or go to school, shes kinda like a 2nd mom to the other kids.  I will NEVER do this to my child, EVER.  Kids need to learn how to interact with their peers, even the not so good ones, they will have to deal with them later in life, so they need to learn how to before its too late

  7. survival of the fittest.

    these kids will not survive. plain and simple. adjust or learn to adjust, the only 2 options

    and a*****e, all christians arnt sheltered. look at me...

  8. I don't know what planet you're living on. What's wrong with parents wanting to protect their kids? Why should 5, 10 or even 16 year olds carry the stress and burdens of being an adult? Why should children have to protect themselves and grow up confused and never learning morals or standards? Why should a 10 year old have to self debate whether it's wrong to cuss out her teacher because her mom never taught her that cussing is crude, disrespectful, and inappropriate? Why should a 14 year old have to wonder if it's ok to have s*x? Why can't they just feel comfortable living by limitations and standards that their parents set for them? It's for their own good. Yes, they'll break the rules. Who hasn't? But that doesn't excuse parents from making rules in the first place.

    And just so you know, I was "sheltered". I'm a Christian. I was homeschooled. I went to college, survived it just fine. I'm married, have great friends, and a promising career. The only thing my parents rules did was kept me from getting knocked up at 16 and for that, I'm grateful.

  9. They grow up, move out and are shocked at what it's like in the real world.     They would also insist that the world is so much more dangerous compared to the good ol' days.    They'll find 1001 things that are wrong with the world and insist it wasn't that way when he/she was a kid.

    Now doesn't that sound like a lot of people here are Yahoo Answers?   :)

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