
What do you think of sigmund freud's theories??

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do you agree with some, all or none of them?? do you think he's totally bogus, if so, why?




  1. It is a cult group.  Those women he thought were hysterics were probably actually being abused by their fathers and brothers and other male relatives.  At least the statistics of today bear this out.  He left Germany and made sure his books made it to England with him but left his sisters to die in the death camps.  I don't like him.  How many of the so called great men stand on the corpses of the women who surrounded them?

    How much does modern day patriarchy stand on the ravaged body of the

    earth.  How is that for the triumph of thanatos, all ye Freudians?

  2. i think he was right about everything

  3. I think before we can answer this question, we'd need to know which of Freud's theories you are talking about.

    I say this because I am an Adlerian Psychologist. Dr. Alfred Adler was the first psychiatrist Freud asked to help him create psychological treatments of the neuroses (Oct., 1902). Adler was a co-creator of psycho-analysis. He was an independent researcher and thinker and not, like the others, a "student" or "disciple" of Freud.

    Several years ago 100 psychiatrists were given a list of psychological concepts and were asked to give the name of the originator of each one. Almost all of them said Freud created all the concepts. However, in every case the concept was Adlerian!

    So are you really asking about Freud's theories...or Adler's?

    (Let's start with the fact that it was Adler who pioneered marital therapy, group therapy, family therapy, parent-child counseling, and parenting education...)

    Dr. Bob, Adlerian Psychologist

  4. He's right and the existence of hippies proves it.

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