
What do you think of small circle Jujitsu?

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Thanks in advance to all who answer my question!




  1. Excellent art !!

    As I said in your other question ,I'm a fan.

    Best wishes :)***

  2. I really like it conceptually - the ability to transition from one technique to the next seamlessly, the constant application of pain and distraction, etc. make a great form.

    I've seen a couple of demonstrations, but haven't studied it myself  - the demos were awesome.  

    I think the best thing about small circle is the fact that it takes an artform with a long history and refines it further and makes it more powerful and maybe more practical.  

    Is Eddie Bravo the next Wally Jay?

  3. awesome theory. but they should stop placing so much emphasis on kyusho pressure points. it takes away from the flow that jujutsu should be.

  4. Wally Jay's small circle theories are pretty interesting. It seems like a genuine "improvement" (I felt "change" was too weak a word) on Danzan Ryu, and has some distinct similarities in terms of flow to Budo Taijutsu.  I'd study it if I had time, if only to learn more about his views on transitioning between techniques.

  5. Wally Jay is a pioneer and created Small Circle Jujutsu.

    He uses kyushojutsu to attack the vital points while applying the techniques.

    If you have an opportunity to learn from one of his senior students, do so.

    He is already in his nineties and is probably only teaching seniors.

    Is it a great curriculum.

    Eddie Bravo, the next Wally Jay? ... eh - neh!

  6. The minimum exposure I have had with it was impressive. While I have not studied it I worked out with a practitioner and took what i learned back to my instructor. We have since incorperated some small circles in our techniques, and quite honestly they tend to work better then larger circles. It gives yur opponent less time to react then larger circles, and to me feel more powerful.

    I would say a big part of it depends on the instructor and the training methods, as does any art.

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