
What do you think of solitude?

by Guest66973  |  earlier

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What do you think of solitude?




  1. it's good for thinking about things. but too much of it can make you go crazy. people need other people. that's why inmates get solitary confinement sometimes. because it's a punishment. it's good to have sometimes though. otherwise too much social interaction can make you go crazy as well. too much of anything isn't good for you.

  2. A great place to think or meditate.

  3. I enjoy the peace and time to connect to nature when alone.

  4. it is the noisiest of all places (you can hear what is going on in and outside the sound)

  5. I enjoy solitude, which usually leads me to better understanding of my life and future. I have a chance to think rather than talk, and I have a chance to digest what's happening around me rather than passing them by.

    I felt that many of my friends always want to hang out. They always need to talk to another. They always need to feel accepted by the public. They didn't leave enough time for themselves to think and to not talk. They forgot about how important it is to have a moment with themselves.

    Will there be too much solitude that it will start driving people insane? I think it's unlikely now day. We have phone, cell phones, internet, and many other resources to keep us away from ourselves.... it's quite sad if you ask of me.

  6. Solitude of the mind in quiet pursuit of truth is the glory of the human race. That words and symbols can be formed in such away to match the order of the cosmos is the fundamental mystery of the cosmos. That individual minds in the solitude of their thoughts can bridge the gap between mind and matter establishes the wholeness of the cosmos. A nature order reigns over all of the universe, which we are a part of and not separate from. Only the lonely mind could envision, or imagine, that the true, the good and the beautiful could be one.

    The other solitude is the noisily loneliness of being in a crowd. One lost in many but the many not formed together by common bond but the mere pressing of endless numbers in too small of a space. Isolated individuals in the pursuit of the never ending needs thrust upon them by the mundane concerns of the body. One is never so alone as being in a crowd.

  7. Thanks to social anxiety I've lived in solitude for most of my life so far. Solitude is good for when you want to think about things, and achieve an understanding on where you are, where you want to be in life, and how you can get there. When I'm particularly overwhelmed with life, walking the streets alone at night helps me get my thoughts together and figure out my situation and what needs to be done about it. But I've had too much solitude in my life, and I'm afraid it has stunted/retarded some of my social intelligence. After long periods of isolation you tend to lose some of your vocabulary and your ability to understand the behavior of others when you do make contact with them. You lose some of your social skills. And isolating from other people prevents you from gaining knowledge of the community and people that surround you. You remain naive of everything social that is going on around you. Solitude has given me many valuable insites into the reality of things, but has also taken away some of my social skills, and my ability to function as well as I otherwise could have in the "human" world. In my future I hope to have less and less of it, but being a philosopher, solitude will always remain a valuable part of my life.  

  8. Solitude is what I do best.  Being alone has benefits.

  9. bliss





  10. I like it but too much of it makes me nuts.    

  11. Solitude can be liberating.  There was a time when I didn't like being alone.  A friend shared the following quote, and it changed my life:

    "Many people suffer from the 'fear of finding oneself alone', and so they don't find themselves at all."  Andre Gide

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