
What do you think of students who cut?

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asside from the whole "reporting" what do you personally think of them. do you think of them as fakeS?




  1. Are you talking about cutting themselves?  Well, I think some are truly emotionally hurting; others are just "emo" and do it strictly for attention.

  2. Students who cut class are not motivated to learn or the class is really boring. I sat through some college classes that would put you to sleep, but I still went because I wanted to learn.

    Until a student comes to a place where they want to learn, they wll not get too much out of the class even if they are there. Sometimes being immature or having problems that keep you from focusing can keep a student from being engaged in the subject. This is a difficult problem for teachers, parents, families, and communities. It is most difficult for the student, because they literally don't know what they are missing....

  3. No not fakes. There could be a lot of reasons that students cut class. For one, it could be that the whole "school thing" bores them. I've had some of my most intelligent students become habitual class cutters. They are just tired of the school routine and decide to skip.

    Also, there could be something going on in a student's life that makes them more focused on that situation rather than school. For example, it could be a girlfriend or a boyfriend or even something traumatic such as death in the family.

    I think of students who cut on an individual basis. Every student who chooses to cut school does so for a specific reason and there's no way to generalize it. If someone wants to know why a specific student cuts, then the teacher (or whoever wants to know) needs to look at each student who does on a case-by-case basis.

  4. cutting makes for a very uninnovated atmsphere.

  5. Even though I'm not a teacher, some of my friends in school did it and it was almost as if it was a trend.

  6. their all insecure. even if they are doing it as fakes. the worst thing you can do is attack them for it. so stick with reporting.

  7. Fakes desperately seeking attention. Losers who think this is the only chance that anyone will care about them. Nobody cares anyway - losers - losers - losers.



  8. I think they are limiting their chances to learn fun things like spelling, grammar and punctuation.

  9. cut in line yes they should burn in h**l but realy cut what????????????

  10. Cut what?

  11. Cut class...or cut themselves? If they cut class, then they are not faking that they don't want to be in school and if they cut themselves, they are not faking that they feel awful but cannot express it in a healthy way. Cutting is a way people use physical pain to replace the emotional pain they are hiding inside. It is a relief to at least feel something else for awhile.

    ....I do believe though, that some students will do things to get attention, which is a different reason for cutting. Students do fake many things...but how can one judge if it is real or not when you cannot read another person's thoughts. It is just safe to deal with it as real.

    What I find sad is how many students walk around today in deep emotional pain. How did they get the pain and how can they get past it and move on to a better life? Students don't realize they could help each other, but instead they try to hurt each other me this is even sadder.

  12. online tutorings-

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