
What do you think of super nanny?

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I absolutely love this show!! Jo has very good techniques, and i think every parent can learn something from her. I'm just asking this because i've heard a few ppl (with EXTREMELY mis-behaved Children) say that it's all a waste of time and nothing she does works.........




  1. I think it's a bit of a hype.  She's got some good techniques that's for sure, but those techniques have been around for a long time.  She's simply reintroducing them.  She's good with kids, but I am certain that many of the families fall right back where they were once she leaves.  I honestly think it's overrated.  

    It's not really a waste of time.  She does have a couple success stories.  But I think that parenting your own children versus being their nanny is worlds apart.  Parenting is much more difficult.  What I find interesting is that 99% of the families on her show are well to do families with huge homes and more children than they can handle.  Seems to me that a big contributing factor to the horrible behavior is overindulgence.

  2. I disagree with the person above me. BoSox27 nailed it perfectly!! She must have hacked into my brain to put that answer down, lol. My thoughts exactly!  I watch the show for entertainment value, and it (like BoSox27) does make me feel like I'm doing OK as a parent watching kids spit into their parent face, lol. Ya so I'm a bit evil too, lol

  3. I think she has a few techniques that work. Every situation is different, just have to find what works for you.

  4. Not true, her techniques do work, it just doesn't work for people who apply it correctly or who are not consistent with the techniques

  5. I think she's a crock (I don't like her ideas, many of them have not worked when I've seen them used) IMHO...and actually we're very well behaved.

    EDIT: That's just my own personal belief about the show. I discipline the way I see fit in the appropriate circumstances. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by this, I just do not see the show's value. You are welcome to your own opinion.

  6. What we need to remember is that Jo isn't actually giving the advice.  She's being told what to say by a team of developmental specialists; she doesn't come up with the techniques herself.  She's nothing more than an actor.  

    That said, I do enjoy the show.  To be honest, I mostly watch it for entertainment value.  This may make me sound quite evil, but watching Super Nanny makes me thank my lucky stars that my child isn't like the kids on the show.  Of course he has his moments like all children do, but he's a pretty well - behaved boy.

    Some of the ideas on the show are good.  If nothing else, it reminds us to remain consistent when it comes to discipline.  

  7. I like the show.  I'm shocked at how badly behaved some of the kids are before she comes... How did the parents let it get to that point?!

  8. What she uses are what I was taught at college (the 'naughty step' and 'time out' and so on.  Sometimes they work with younger children, but with older ones you need to be a bit more persisitent.).

  9. The children on that show make mine look like angels!!

    She's tough, but good.

    Kids need boundaries,they want to be told what to do.

  10. BoSox is wrong about this one.  Jo Frost worked as a trouble shooting nanny (a nanny that comes in your house and evaluates your parenting methods...basically what she does on television) for over 15 years, that is why she was chosen for this show.  She was actually quite famous for her work in England before she was hired by ABC.  

    I think a lot of her methods can be quite effective when used properly and consistently, however, there are other methods that can accomplish the same goal when used properly.  There is no one right way to teach your children proper behavior.  What she DOES do that has real value is make people face up to their families' problems and their short comings as parents.   So many people live in denial of their children's behaviors, and worse, that they themselves are the cause of these behaviors.

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