
What do you think of supermarkets going "green"?

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I recently went into my local ASDA (other supermarkets are available!) and was told, they weren't giving out any free carrier bags but instead charging 5p for a re-usable bag.

"Great!" i thought, "What an ingenius idea. Nice to see ASDA doing their bit for the environment"

But then, as I walked past a 6 foot high, open refrigerator, out of the constantly opening and closing doors, and was pummled by hot air blowing down from the fan heater above, I started thinking......

Are ASDA really concerned about the environment, or do they just want to be SEEN to care?




  1. Those free carrier bags (as they are called ) are paid for by the consumer, (the more you buy, the more bags you need)

    I know people use these bags to clean up dog muck, in the street, or in the park, will the owners of these dogs pay 5p for each bag they use? Or will they walk away and leave the muck fouling the pavement?

    We use these bags for waste food, tied at the top, they are sealed, it stops the bin from smelling also stops the flies.

    especially in the summer, when our bins are only emptied every 2 weeks.

      Now we have purchased a roll of 200 bags, and I will not feel guilty about using them,

  2. I think it's discrimination against people that like all the other colours.  Why green? The should do a survey of their customers and go with the most popular colour.

  3. the only green supermarkets see is money...that's how they stay open.

  4. Can you remember 'Dolphin Friendly' on cans of tuna?'

    What about 'Save the Ozone layer' on aerosol cans?

    Then there was 'Going Green' on nappies

    Now, it's 'Carbon footprinting' on barbecues

    Come on!  Supermarkets don't give a wet slap about environmental issues.  We all know their only real concern is profit margins. If they are so concerned why are they charging for carrier bags.  Why not give away multi-purpose, recyclabe cloth bags (like the ones they have in Germany) that feature an advert for the supermarket?  

    What I object to is having to pay for the carrier bag and then do some blummin free advertising when I carry the bag around. The cheek!!

  5. If they thought it would make a profit, supermarkets, and most businesses come to that would sell/do anything they could.  Environmentally friendly?  Organic?  Fun-size?  Packed with offal and chemicals?  hey, it's profitable, so let's do it!!

  6. i agree

    just a show to make consumers think that they are actually helping the world when in fact they are doing nothing at all

    which really angers me

    i mean the world is not a place to be taken not seriously! D:

  7. Of course not, its all about the image. Even if every supermarket did the same,  there would be no impact whatsoever, the "green" bags are delivered to the store in diesel delivery trucks! Its just so contradictory

    I know somebody that works in ASDA, you should see how much out-of-date stuff the store throws away, hundreds of pounds worth of food, and thats just on one departrment, they must chuck out thousands of pounds of stuff a WEEK, in just one store. None of it goes to homeless shelters.

    The electricity and lights are never switched off, theres air conditioning, heating, leaflets, the delivery trucks running up and down the country, and much more

  8. yes my thoughts exactly they are just putting on a facade to find another way to squeeze us for every penny in the guise of a greener happier conglomerate...please i see right through that bull..

  9. it is a joke

  10. you just answered your own question. Sad isn't it

  11. Hey

    If it makes money then they will do it.

  12. Illusion is the thing that all commerce relies on for success, the main 'sleight of hand' is that commerce only exists for YOU, the customer.

    The fact that you noticed the open freezer cabinets and the welcoming (that's why they do it) warm air 'curtain' at the entrances/exits (notice that the whole store is not that warm) only separates you from the millions who shop in these places and moan about paying for plastic carrier bags and don't notice the glaring contradictions.

    Being 'green' is a popular sales 'zeitgeist' and because of the global interest in environmental degradation one that is already high in the public consciousness. Just imagine being a company who says it's 'not bothered' about the environment and is only interested in making profit, how long do you think that business would last? Even a company that was honest enough to say that making a profit was its 'raison d'etre' and not customer service/satisfaction would soon flounder.

    Keep up the good work, spread the word!

  13. Although those of us who prefer to buy biodegradable cleaning products are growing in number we are still a minority. But every major grocer wants our financial contribution so will try to suggest they are the greenest. It is mostly lip service but by buying the greener products we can make a difference and they know that. All sales figures are monitored. June 21st is International Organic baked Bean Day. All you have to do is buy a can of organic baked beans on that date. The major grocers will notice any upturn in sales.

  14. Everyone should start doing their part to help save our planet. Heck, its the only one we have....

  15. they cant do everything at one time. i think it's going very well at the moment. we should all do something about it.

  16. they like all the rest are just ripping you off. 5p bag to advertise their goods, should tell them to get stuffed.

    Buy a backpack or shopping trolley, may not look cool but why pay them money to advertise their products.

  17. unfortunately "going green" seems to just be a fad now. just because people use canvas bags in the grocery store doesn't mean they aren't still wasting water and electricity at home. "going green" means more than owning a dozen canvas bags!!

    grocery stores are the worst. all of those refriderators!! and all the unnecessary double-plastic-bagging... that really bugs me.

    try mentioning something to the supervisor/boss/owner.

  18. I think it's just an image thing,and I would really hate to see them stop giving out the plastic bags,I have used them for garbage bags for years and sometimes even to wrap left over food for the fridge,I'll bet people use them for a lot of things they have certainly been usefull to me,Rich

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