
What do you think of teen girl fights?

by  |  earlier

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regardless of what the fighting is about.




  1. stupid and funny  

  2. its ridiculous. i hate watching fighting in generalll

  3. Wow.  Catfights!  

    Awesome to watch, but a massive disaster if you get caught between em.

  4. its so stupid. and a lot take it too far. in a town i used to live in these girls were fighting over a boy and one took out a knife and stabbed the other in the neck and left her for dead. murder over a boy!!!!!

    stupid stupid stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  5. Why fight when you can quell the dispute with words.

    Violence isn't the answer.

    Have a nice day. = ]

  6. ridiculous ......girls fighting that is just ewwwwww

    rather use ur mouth and throw each other with words leave the fighting for the guys to do !!!

    get a life if u have a fist fight with another girl  

  7. they are teens. they fight for pointless reasons. regardless of wat it is  most of the time they aren't worth it. u dont really get anything out of it.

  8. its so dumb. They usually fight over a boy which is so stupid. And probably when they hear bad rumors coming from them.  

  9. Its always stupid and pointless no matter what the reason is.

  10. depends on what its about...

    most of the time its over something so stupid, that its not even worth fighting over..

  11. I think it's stupid and pointless and needs to STOP!!!!

  12. it is a disgrace to people every were girls fighting like their big boys grabbing hair pulling ..... ugggggh its disgrasful and i'm not even a girl !!!

  13. It's usually about the dumbest things ever, so I'm gonna have to say they're really stupid.  

  14. catfights ?

    turn scary..

    in my skl.. these 2 11 yr olds gt into a catfight about a boy..

    there was hair EVERYWHERE...

    quite gruesome.  

  15. they are so ridi!!!! OMG  

  16. stupid and pointless.

  17. As a 13 year old.

    i would have to say,.

    stupid and drama ish.

    its really like a "oh, he said, she said"


    i think its pretty funny, if im not in it.

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