
What do you think of teen pregnancies??

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im 14 and pregnant

and i was just wondering wat people would think of me if you saw me

and how long do u think it will take for me to get really big??




  1. I would think u were imature and i probably wouldnt look up 2 u!!

    It will take 5 to 6 months for u start showing!!!

  2. I think its way too common and something need to be done cause its very unnecessary, and causes a lot of problems.

    if i saw you i would probably think that's a shame cause ur in for a hard time, with plenty of struggling ahead of you, which could of been prevented.

  3. Honey, I hope you weren't expecting nice answers... People on here can be so rude.  They were to me when I first found out that I'm pregnant. I used to be a really common name around here though, before the Adolescent category went completely down the drain.  I was a Top Contributor and what not, so people were a little bit nicer to me..

    I'm 16 and pregnant so I'll tell you some of what I know about pregnancy, and what it's been like for me.

    You'll START to show around 4months.  I'm 4 and a half months and I barely have a baby bump.  It depends on your pre-pregnancy body. And your genes.  You might not even start to show until your 6 or 7 months.

    You can find out the s*x of your baby as EARLY as 14 weeks, although, finding our for sure at this time is very rare.  The most common time to find out is around 18-20 weeks.  Keep in mind that it's never 100% sure of what the s*x is.  If your baby keeps his legs closed during your ultrasounds, you won't be able to see "the goods."  And most doctors won't perform ultrasounds for the sole purpose of determining the s*x.  The average number of ultrasounds you'll have is 3-5, for a non- High-risk pregnancy.  It really depends on your situation, and your doctor.

    Your pregnancy is divided 3 different ways- trimesters, weeks, and months.

    Months aren't true Calendar Months.  They are Lunar Months. (they go in increments of 4 exact weeks).  Your pregnancy is 9 Calendar Months long and 10 Lunar Months long.

    Weeks are obvious.. they go in 1 week long intervals. A typical, healthy pregnancy is 40 weeks longs.

    And finally, trimesters.  Your pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters.  Your first one is weeks 1-13 of pregnany.  This is the period where all women are "excited to get past" because the miscarriage rate goes WAY down after week 13. Also, your first trimester is when most women experience Morning Sickness.

    Your second trimester is weeks 14-28 of pregnancy (it can also be to week 27. it depends on what your doctor says). This is when most baby bumps start to appear and when you can feel your baby move.  Most first time moms start to feel their babies at 18 weeks, but sometimes they dont feel it until 22 weeks or later.  it all depends on your body and if your baby is active or more of the quiet type.  Moms with more than one child claim to feel their baby move as early as 13 weeks.. this rarely happens, however.  Most movements you feel early on are actually Gas and your Bowels moving throughout your intestines. Don't worry, soon enough you'll defiantely know it's your baby.  He'll be shoving his feet into your bladder and your lungs.. and every where else!

    Your last trimester is weeks 29-40. Your pregnancy is officially "full-term" at 37 weeks, but to ensure lung maturity and baby health.. Doctors want you to continue your pregnancy until 40 weeks.  Most first time moms dont delived until 42 weeks, anyway.  Doctors wont let you go past 42 weeks, for the health of the baby.  By this time your baby has probably already had a bowel movement (pooed..) and it's dangerous for yourself and your baby if this happens. Doctors will induce you then.

    Expect to earn about 1500$ before the baby is born for supplies (crib, clothes, bottles, diapers.. etc.) It's more money if you decide to formula feed and not breastfeed.

    My baby bump is SMALL.  Only people who know I'm pregnant can even tell.  For the most part I just look a little chubby.  So no strangers have given me weird looks.  I also look older than 16, so.. I don't think I'll have too many problems with that.  When my fiance, and baby's father, and I went into Babies-R-Us to make a list of everything we need with prices.. A few people gave us weird looks.

    If I saw you, I'd think "I hope she'll be a great mother to that child, and not let anyone else's opinion influence the way she treats that baby."

  4. most will thing "oh my goodness, she's so young. her parents must not take very good care of her and must have not taught her much"

    i'm not saying i would think that.

    most of the time when i see a young girl, i feel bad.

    sometimes i feel bad that they've made bad choices, that a boy might have taken advantage

    especially the girls without the baby's father in they're life anymore.

    i hope things go good for you!

  5. i think its wrong to criticize and judge people yea sure 14 is young but women were made to have babies and if you got pregnant maybe it was meant to happen, my best friends have babies and there all only 16 (3 of them) and to be honest some people are plain nasty and horrible to them!. its not really any ones business and you shouldn't worry too much about what people long as you and you're baby are healthy and happy there's not much you can do and that's all that matters, i hope everything goes well for you sweetie make sure ur well taken care of mwah =]

  6. I would pray that you have God in your life, and wish the best for your child.  

  7. Well, I don't think it's fine. I actually think it's just a huge problem.

    But I have no room to talk, since I'm a teen parent myself. (I'm fifteen with a 13 month old daughter. Her mother is not in the picture.) All I have to say is hang in there and good luck. If you need advice, just email me. I've been there.

  8. teen pregnancy makes me sad. mainly because there are so many adults, whom are married...trying to concieve.. but can't and then there are immature teenage girls who think that getting pregnant is the cool thing to do...or who are just too stupid to take birth control or use condoms! ......

    but to answer your question; i would probably she is young. she should have waited. will probably take you about 5-6 months to get big... but maybe less since your so young and probably tiny.

  9. You will most likely begin to show around the 3rd-4th month of your pregnancy.

    And i personally don't judge. Yes, i wouldn't ever recommend for a teen to get pregnant, however i realize that things happen. I don't think teen parents are "s***s" or anything like that - in fact i admire most. I'm sure it's hard enough being a parent when your an adult, let alone a teen.

    My sister was actually a teen mother, and has always been a good mother. She got pregnant at 15, but  worked hard to support her daughter.

    She has a good career , went to collage and such. and it's not like she had alot of support - my parents actually disowned her =/ .

    But she came through it strong - i guess proving that teen parents haven't nessessarally "ruined their life"

  10. i would think she has 18 years of her life she just has given to her baby, if she keeps it. and i would hope you would at least enjoy some of that 18 years.

  11. i find it way scary and is happening too often. i hope i don't get stuck in that kind of situation. you will really start showing at 3 months

    good luck with you and your baby

    email me

  12. It goes without saying that teen pregnancy is not a good idea. If I saw you, I'd feel sorry for you, because you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You have such a struggle ahead of you. Nothing in your life is going to come to you easily. Basic things like learning to drive, graduating high school, etc. are going to be a lot more difficult with a child. It's going to require a lot of sacrifices on your behalf. You're going to miss out on a lot.

    Being so young and pregnant, expect to get a lot of criticism and dirty looks when you begin to show (which by the way there is no way of telling how long it will take you to show or how big you'll get).  

  13. It will take 3 months for your belly to start getting big... it all depends on your kid from there. If your happy with your baby, then why does it matter what others think?

  14. I think there are way too many stereotypes surrounding it. Not every girl who is pregnant is a w***e. Not every girl is going to be on welfare. Not every boy leaves. As long as they take responsibility for it then it's okay.

    14 is a little young though so I wish you the best of luck.

  15. i would think that its not the end of the world for you. my sister became pregnant at 16 and she still finished school.

    you make sure you finish school and go on to college no matter what and make sure the dad is in the childs life.  

  16. very silly.

    i would wonder, what a young mother.

    and we don't know how long it would take for you to get big..

    it depends though.

  17. I wonder why these CHILDREN think they can go off and play grown up games they can't handle, then want sympathy and their mommy and daddy and the government to help them.

    I wonder what went wrong that they have no self respect or decency and wanted to be used as a c*m dumpster so young. How self indulgent and delusional.

    You play===> you pay

  18. If I saw you somewhere I'd be thinking, " Bless her heart she has a long road ahead of her." That's just being honest. My mom had me at 16 and it wasn't easy on her.. but she did a great job. Everyone is different so I'm not sure when you'll start getting "big". I'm not going to give you the big, " You should be ashamed of yourself bringing a child into this world and you are only a child" spill. It's a little too late for that. You take responsibility for your actions and raise that child the best way possible.  

  19. I hate the way people treat pregnant teens. They always instantly assume that theyre irresponsible and stupid and pathetic and they won't raise the baby properly and their whole lives will be screwed up.

    If I saw you I would think that you probably weren't trying to get pregnant, but it happened and that you've decided not to get an abortion which is a very brave and noble thing and that you're either going to care for it yourself or give it up for adoption.( if you do keep it I wish you the best of luck! =)   )

    Teen pregnancy is frowned upon by most people because they assume that that all teen parents will abort their children or not care for them properly.

    But that is SUCH a stereotype. I mean, plenty of adults get pregnant too by accident and THEY abort their children and THEY raise them badly. So why do they put all these negative remarks on teens and not on adults too?

    My friends cousin had a baby at 16 and the baby passed away in the hospital and it was horrible. No one could talk about for a long time and everyone was sad. I know she probably really wanted the baby.

    When you go out just hold your head up high and ignore peoples comments. Omg. if I was pregnant at your age and soemone gave me a dirty look Id probably go crazy at them. I mean seriously. They don't even KNOW you.

    I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy!! =)!


  21. I am 15 and pregnant. I am going to get a job, pay for the baby all myself, and take care of it by myself. I think that as long as you're ready for the baby, then you can have it. You have to be responsible, mature, and ready to give life of your own and take care of the baby. I screwed up and didn't mean for it to happen, and I KNOW I was REALLY stupid, and there's nothing I can do about it now and when I asked for help, BillyTheKid mouthed off to me and I felt horrible. But I'm so excited for my baby! I'm two months in and REALLY impatient lol. congrats!

  22. I think teen pregnancies are too common and pathetic.

    You shouldnt even be having s*x until your at LEAST 18

    or 19. Like nobody under 17 is emotionally or physically ready to have a baby. My friend was 16 when she had hers,its so pathetic. I imagine your horny but m********e,dont turn to a guy,cause he wont even want to be a father. I really think you should get an abortion. Your not stable enough...nobody is at 12,13,14,15,16. Please take my advice. And grow up,never have s*x until your married/

  23. I would think that you needed some guidance from an adult. It is really sad that you thought that you were old enough to make the decision to have a baby, you are a child. You can't support this baby on your own, sad.

  24. I don't think it's a good idea to get pregnant that young but I don't judge teens who are pregnant because it's really none of my business. But some people will criticize you and the best thing to do is ignore them. And I'm not sure how long it takes for a pregnant belly to get big, probably like 3 or 4 months.

  25. from your picture you look really slim. i would say that you would start to show around the beginnig of your second trimester, but you won't get reall big until the begining of your third trimester. You gain the most weight and your belly really starts to take form from 6-9 months.

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