
What do you think of that the chinese govenment do ont let the internet freedom as its promise?

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What do you think of that the chinese govenment do ont let the internet freedom as its promise?




  1. Chinese government act like automated and turn its citizens into mere machines. I do not argue that Internet viewing should not be regulated. But, regulation is different from total denial. China does the latter. Chinese are traditionally known for its wisdom and amiability. Communism in China has transformed it into mechanical society. Any thing that is done with no free will and with a central monitoring is dull and drab. Such a life is not worth living.

  2. It was a surprised that they even banned on a Hong Kong pop-star site. That pop star has just received a honor of knight from a foreign country.

    Anyway, the purpose may be simply to help people to focus on the Game. No big deal.

  3. china government, rules with the fist!!  They don't care about their people, regulations.  Very relaxed with regulations, such as simple driving habits.  For instances turn signals, brakes, and brake lights.   I have been there!   They don't even care for the safety of the people.  You can drive with no light bulbs in the car at all.           that's not all either.  very poor people, lots of polution. the rivers.  and building habits, not clean.  

       most places you go to eat.  there is no stool to sit on. with no toilet paper too.  only a hole in the floor......terrible!

  4. It is typical of the chinese hierarchy for they restrict what and whoever they want to.

  5. they are out of tough with reality.

  6. The Chinese government needs to stop blocking sites like - until they do, there will never be true freedom.

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