
What do you think of the 'Paranormal'?

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What do you think of the 'Paranormal'?




  1. Paranormal is close to being an oxymoron.

    Like normalnormal would not be an ocymoron.

    I believe in the paranormal. I believe that God the creator is far more amazing and mystical than we can ever imagine.

    There are people who work on proving the paranormal and others who just believe.

    I believe

  2. For every "paranormal" phenomenon, there is a perfectly reasonable "normal" explanation.

  3. I think much of it is perfectly normal. There are a few very common things that can't be explained very well.

    I don't like the terms "paranormal" or "supernatural" because neither of these are accurate. The only thing that really fits is "unexplained" but even that wouldn't be accurate after a while either. There just isn't a great term, but I dislike the word "paranormal" the least.

    I believe in ghosts because of my personal experience. But I still don't know as they actually are the spirits of our dead.

    I believe in crop circles, because I've been to one. However, I don't know what caused it.

    I believe that people see things they can't explain, and this scares them because it's unfamiliar. I think they try to put it into a context that makes sense to them, but then again that's difficult to prove or disprove.

    I think some people even make things up in order to feel special or unique, or to join a group in the minority. I don't think that people are generally malicious in their intent, but the few who are give me enough of a motivation that I think people should know the truth of all matters, even if that truth is discomforting. Living with a discomforting truth is better than not having the ability to defend one's self from a lie.

    I believe in a creator, because of deeply-held religious beliefs which are based on personal experience.

    But as to what I think of it: it's been where I've wanted to live for the past 15 years. I've investigated open fields and cities, homes and businesses, banks and prisons. And in 15 years, I've barely managed to scratch the surface of finding the truth, because others will not suspend judgment long enough to look at evidence and help me to debunk it.

    I think the paranormal should be validated as a field of study, just as religion and mythology have; and as psychology has.

    And, I think it's a lot of fun to show people just how brilliant you are when you're able to tear apart something that someone whose intent to lie has not been completely masked.

  4. I think paranormal makes life more interesting.  It means people can dream, even impossible things with at least some hope of having them come true.  Paranormal, if investigated and studied, means something is out there besides us, and I think that is way cool!

  5. there is too much evidence for it to be "proven" false. Just check out .

  6. Paranormal just means unusual or unexpected. The problem comes when people jump to the conclusion that something supernatural is involved.

  7. Paranormal is like "explaining" God.  It is beyond "normal" by definition.  Just because WE don't understand it, or cannot (right now), quantify it doesn't mean is does not exist.  

    Advances in "Quantum Physics" are revealing atomic particles that can be in two places at the same time.  Particles that are 'sympathetic'.  When one is charged the other 'partner ' instantly switches.  Quantum Physics is showing principles of matter that do not follow the laws of Newtonian Physics.

    Check out the movie "What the {Bleep} do we know", for a real eye opener, with some meat to it.

  8. Parrot that is normal...=p

    Umm.. I do believe in the Paranormal/Supernatural stuff because I have experienced lots of stuff. Some people don't believe it, I guess its fine.

  9. I think it can be true sometimes and it depends on the person because some people will make stuff up and scare other people.

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