
What do you think of the Amish and Mennonites?

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What do you think of the Amish and Mennonites?




  1. I don't know much about Mennonites.

    But I have met and interacted with Amish.  They are the most humble people on this earth.  I can't say a single negative thing against them, and lots of positive.

    More than anything, they exemplify the quality of forgiveness, as the whole world saw in October 2006, when the gunman killed 5 of their little girls and the Amish gathered to support the gunman's family in the aftermath.  Absolutely a stunning example to this world.

  2. I admire them for their hard work and contributions to the earth. They don't burn fossil fuels or wreck the environment at all.

    Their awesome effort effectively squishes all reservations I have about their outdated beliefs. Heck, they more than make up for it.

    They work for everything they have, which is certainly impressive especially compared to how most lazy Westerners live nowadays.

    But I could not live like they do, not in a million years. I admit, I am far too lazy and dependent on material things like electricity, cars, etc.

    The only thing I have against them is the way they treat their animals. Some are rather rough on their horses. I live near the edge of town and there are many Mennonite farms around. Horse-and-buggies often drive up my street. Some (not all) whip the poor horsies needlessly.

  3. they make d**n good furniture.

  4. It's there choice, but they   live a fairy tale existence. If the entire country were like that, we would have been taken over by another country a long time ago.  

  5. I personally have a great deal of respect and admiration for them; click the second link if you'd like to read more about this, but the main reason is that they raise their children apart from the world like the Jesus of their faith said they should do.  (In other words: They actually DO what Jesus would do, rather than just ASK "What Would Jesus Do?")

    Then, when the children come of age, they do not force them to continue the in Mennonite ways, and even encourage them to go out into the world, and experience it, before they decide on their life's course.

    Some come back and continue the next Mennonite generation.  Tragically, some do not, and succumb to the ways of the world, but at least the Mennonites did their part in raising them.  And Proverbs 22:6 tells us that they will never forget their Mennonite roots.

    And maybe the world becomes a better place because of that, too.

    *** EDIT ***

    The Amish ARE Mennonites; it's simply that they are another Mennonite "sect," if you will.  The Christian Church, too, has its sects, which it calls "denominations"; but they are all still Christian.

  6. I know some lovely Amish-Mennonites and I hope to join their church in time.I totally agree with the Anabaptist doctrine.They live a simpler, quieter life without the stress and rush we experience.They are so content as a result.

  7. I respect their lifestyles, but in general, it's not a good thing to take anything to extremes. I don't think one can criticize the Mennonites so much, because they are simply plain people. the Amish, on the other hand, seem to have just too much reaction to affairs that no longer mean anything. They won't have mustaches because soldiers did bad things to their ancestors, centuries ago, and soldiers wore mustaches. Women do not have buttons (a sign of worldliness), but pin their clothing together (with the pins facing inward so that when they are tending the inevitable infant, they will get stuck, and not their infant -- because Eve sinned first).

    These are things I do not think are useful or good.

    Women wear a prayer cap because women are to cover their heads while praying and it also says to pray without ceasing, meaning a woman's head should always be covered. I don't think that's such a good idea either.

    but I'm not Amish, and they've got to find their own best way of getting intimate with God, and this seems to work for them (their numbers are increasing, hard to believe though that may be).

  8. i would definitely like to try that lifestyle!

    i would rather have a horse over a car any day!

    im a hard worker....i actually believe that it is good for you to do a honest day of work!

    they reap what they sow....

    i really think they are great people!

    im moving to Ohio from Nevada next spring....i think i will check them out!

  9. Why should it matter what we think of them?  They are happy and aren't hurting anyone, so  . . . freedom of religion.

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