
What do you think of the Bengals releasing Rudi?

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And Chad legally changing his last name to Ocho Cinco?

: ) I love him.. He is so awesome!




  1. well Rudi johnson has had injury problems recently so i can't really blame them for releasing him and they could use the roster spot he had to sign a good defensive player which they need...and chad is awesome hes the best receiver in football.WHO DEY!!!!!!!!!

  2. That's pro football for you. I like Rudi Johnson so I hope the Bengals struggle in the running game without him. I also hope he has a great year as a Lion!  

  3. I figured they would release Rudi. He's injured and Chris Perry is to injury prone to be counted on. I wouldnt be surprised to see them pick up a vet like Dayne or Henry, in the next weeks or maybe claim a young guy off waivers.


    Trade him to who? What team would give up anything for a injury plagued past his prime back that was average at best in his prime? Come on, Alexander was MVP and the Seahawks couldnt trade him. He hasnt even found another job yet. Rudi isnt worth anything.

  4. that means that the bengals are moving forword with chris perry  

  5. Stupid move on behalf of the Bengals. Rudi was way too good to release.

    Chad is just a stupid attention seeker.

  6. Kenny Watson and Chris Perry are a solid RB duo. Rudi Johnson only averaged 2.9 yards per carry last year. Bengals made a wise move.

    And Johnson is an awesome player, but all this "me-first" c**p is really annoying people who don't like his antics. Believe me, Terrell Owens is nowhere near this bad in this department.

  7. I don't know how this whole Rudi Johnson thing will play out, but I have a new theory that the Bengals are trying to get worse, because every move they've made in the past few years has sent them on a downward spiral. Just when you think they can't have more problems, another one comes up. Either that, or they're trying to not have as many people named Johnson on the team. Two down, how many to go? 5?

    How can you possibly love a guy like that?

  8. Rudi has had some injury problems, and basically they feel he hasn't been able to get himself back up to 100% of the ability he was.

    Sounds like the Lions are going to sign him though.

    I guess I don't feel quite as fond of Chad Ocho Cinco as you do. He is a selfish, self centered, attention hungry show off that has to constantly do things to draw attention to himself instead of focusing on what he can do to benefit the team as a whole.

    Hall of Fame jackets, end zone dances, hit lists in his locker, smart aleck comments to the media and wild hair cuts all bring a spot light on him.

    And then he can't figure out why the team is losing so many games.

  9. Good riddance.

  10. Retards.. They should of traded him or something but OK I guess they wanna move on without him. And Ocho Cinco; As a player I like him, but as a person.. He's a drama queen.

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