
What do you think of the Chinese ban on dog meat during the Olympic Games?

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Why would you want to ban something that you do just because foreigners are visiting? They seem to be indirectly suggesting that they know what they are doing is wrong. No wonder some people feel this ban should be made permanent.

Of course, this is different from asking people to behave properly in front of others. For example, what would you do when somebody came to your house? Would you change your diet so as not to offend the guest? I don't think so...




  1. i don't think that you should eat dog meat anyway

  2. well, i dont think they should have dog meat on the menu ever again. for such a powerful country, they sure dont have a clue in animal rights. you cant tell me that dog meat is healthier then half of the recourses out there.  

  3. I know that people say that eating dog is like eating a cow or chicken, it's just an animal.

    However I do not have a cow or chicken as pets, I could never eat something that I have had as a pet. That's why I don't eat fish as I have had fish in the past.

    Obviously they feel ashamed of what they are doing and banned it so they would not look bad. They should be ashamed though not for the dog thing but because of the baby soup there.

    It's digusting and so wrong that I can't even describe what I feel when I heard about it.

  4. It's kind of funny in a way. China is basically running around cleaning house because they want to look presentable when the whole world will be watching.

    They know most cultures find eating dog deplorable.

    It's interesting though. China is a powerful country at the moment but has never really presented itself to the world. So this must be an exciting opportunity for them.

  5. The Chinese government is trying to show the world that they are becoming a western and industrialized nation.

    Besides a ban on dog meat the government is also discouraging their citizens to stop spitting in public and encouraging Beijing residents to go on vacation during August.

  6. Actually, I'm sure there are some people who change their diet when infront of guests.  I know it happens.  People change what they eat and their manners when in front of others.  I've seen it happen.

    No doubt you act differently in different situations.

  7. I think it is showing consideration, and yes, I would change my diet for someone visiting.

    Would you serve beef to someone who is a vegetarian?

    Would you serve pork to someone who is forbidden by their religion to eat it?

    You would probably not if you respected them, and wanted that person to enjoy eating at your house.

    All kinds of customs and traditions are woven into our lives. We are unaware of many of them, because they are 'normal' to us.

    But when viewed from the outside, they may seem very strange to someone else. An open mind is the key - and of course a little respect for others.

    BTW the ban may only be out of sympathy in anticipation of what foreigners might feel, not out of guilt, indirect or otherwise. Best Wishes

  8. Well, as a westerner I find eating dog meat seriously disturbing, and would never eat it, but in some countries they might feel that way about chicken or beef. It's just cultural difference.

  9. I have to agree with Salt Rooms.

    I'm one to change my diet depending on what company I have. Also, if I'm entertaining guests, I will change what I cook depending on the company. For example, preparing vegetarian meals, or not cooking with pork or milk, etc.

    So I don't see it as the Chinese knowing they're doing something "wrong." It's their culture, and knowing that they're going to have so many foreigners, they want the foreigners to be as comfortable in their country as possible. Just like having people with special diets over for dinner. It's not like, "You're coming over to my place so you have to eat exactly what I eat."

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