
What do you think of the Democratic National Convention?

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How do you rate it?

It was good? It was ok? It was mediocre? It was pretty bad?

The Democrats are united or still divided?

Tell me(Republican, Democrats and neither can answer)





  1. You have to give them some credit for the magnificent stagecraft of the third day. After a slow start, you have the roll call vote, where Obama's Illinois yields to Clintons' New York, where she stop the roll call and effectively hands the nomination to Obama. A dramatic moment which was good PR for both of them, she showed her support for Obama and looked like a major power player at the same time. Then you had President Clinton's speech, which was everything the Obama people wanted it to be, I'm sure. Then Biden had a pretty good speech, then Obama comes out, and pulls off an impromptu act (even though it was staged), bringing the entire Biden extended family on stage to close out the night.  

  2. The Liberal National Convention???????

    Has it started yet?

  3. I can sum it all up here

    "We hate Bush."

    "We hate the Rich."

    "Obama will Save us all."

    "We hate big Oil Companies."

    "No 4 more years of the last 8 years."

    That is about it.  Nothing change.

  4. Democrats probably loved it...Republicans not so much.

  5. With the exception of Hillary's speech, it's cruel and unjust punishment to those of us who realize what a sham it is.    

  6. Amusing.

  7. Its going pretty well. Thats why Republicans are whining, tsk tsk they are just cry babies.

  8. I would like to know how big the Carbon Footprint was.

  9. Ohh so much love and kisses, and crying.  When is the orgy going to break out...

  10. a 7332.88 out of 8987.087522

  11. AWESOME. Simply AWESOME. If they deliver on any of these promises Obama will be the best President in over 30 years.

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