
What do you think of the EU ban on eating cakes and scones ? (I kid you not)?

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One may not even 'opt in' to eating the cakes !




  1. I agree with Linda Logan, these rules do take the biscuit!

    The EU is way too meddling. This sort of rule might, just possibly, be sensible in a very hot climate like that of Cyprus in mid summer but it's ludicrous in Northern Europe. This sort of rule making should be the exclusive preserve of national governments or lesser legislative authorities.


  2. That is just ridiculous. Any more traditions they want to stomp on??  

  3. I know what you are saying but let's not forget that they have slightly relaxed the restriction on the curvature of cucumbers and after only twelve years deliberation they have ruled that a teacake is in fact a cake and not a biscuit.Look on the bright side after all they have allowed us to call Cadburys chocolate chocolate

  4. bloody h**l-what next? I think you are more likely to get food poisoning from a commercial kitchen with all those chefs that don't wash their hands and pick their noses than from Mrs W.I 's kitchen .

    let them eat cake I say.

  5. I agree with Lady Dog Blue.  Anyone who has been watching 'Rogue Restaurants' on TV at the moment will too.

    The EU should make it compulsory for the catering industry to be monitored so that the entire population has access to information on the standard of other places serving food by going to the website listed below.

    Only 2 boroughs in the whole of London are subscribed!

    I would imagine that the standard of cleanliness of the average WI member at 60 is probably superior to my own to be honest - and I would have their cake any day of the week.

    It also seems a tad weird that cakes can still presumably be cooked and sold either in their entirety, sliced up in portions, or singularly (ie brownies or fairy cakes) at a school or church fete or similar affair.  In these circumstances the cake may have been sitting in the sun all day possibly been finger touched by a child who wanted it or poked it (having potentially picked their nose etc) and even been coughed or sneezed on by random passers by or those suffering from hay fever.

    I would have thought the hygiene standards at the competition events would be very high.

    Also I am sure a child in the third world who is forced to walk miles for potentially contaminated water, sometimes carrying back an amount weighing as much as half of their own bodyweight whilst starving and suffering exhaustion from hunger - would be bloody glad of a bit of WI cake!  

    It's ridiculous.

    Incidentally, embarrassingly enough but honestly completely true non relevant trivial fact is that when I was born I was christened and named Maria with Antionette as a middle name so if I want to eat cake I bloody well will!  I hasten to add I have subsequently dropped my middle name and changed my first by deed poll for obvious reasons. He he he!

    ETA: Evidentally Marie Antionette never actually said 'Let them eat cake' which throws one of my all time fave songs slightly off balance (Killer Queen).  It wouldn't have actually been cake anyway it would have been Brioche.

    I wonder if the EU will classify that as bread or cake - shall we be mischevious and send a po faced straight laced starchy stiff upper lip email to ask them for clarification on the fact whilst sarcastically digging at their original decision?!

    Shall we???!!!!! :-p

  6. Its the EU bashing season again. Just because a Murdoch [strongly opposed to the EU] rag prints a story, does not make it true. Goebbels would have been proud of Murdoch.

  7. I can 'sort of' see where they are coming from - fresh ingredients in the product, which is ultimately perishable, out at whatever temperature it happens to be most of the day - sorry but bacteria will multiply.  The answer there could be just to make miniature versions of the traditional comp cakes.  After all, it is the recipe that matters, not the volume of the recipe.  

    Having said that, it does worry me considerably more when I eat out during the late summer and pub restaurants have all the windows and doors open, letting in swarms of meat flies to keep crawling on your food.  And that's just the dining room - WTF could the kitchens be like?  No, let's not think about it .....................  

  8. The worlds gone mad.

  9. You should read more than the headlines.... !

  10. The W.I. Uk got stung with this ridiculous/over cautious warning a few years back.

    Fore-seeing EU meddling would only get worse, the fine ladies of the Womens Institute decided to concentrate their efforts on something far more important; Legalising Brothels in the UK, instead......

    daring the EU to get involved but so far it's been a No Show!

    Proving the EU love Playing God with peoples private lives when it comes to grannies cake stall at the Village Fete but

    aren't interested in saving prostitutes lives!

  11. wtf what prats come up with that one?

  12. These EU busy-bodies should keep their effing noses out of other peoples business.

    I hate reading stories like this, it really makes my blood boil. especially on year old traditions.

    the cake ban is so the rest of the cake in the competition is not wasted and thrown away. So you have to make mouth sized pieces. Argghhhh!!!

    Remember when too curly cucumbers and bananas were banned? Had to be straight. Now they've done a u-turn because millions of tonnes of curly ones were being binned every year and they were the ones telling US not to waste food. Cheeky b*astards.

  13. Just another example of the Big Brother squeeze that we're all allowing to happen.

  14. Its about time we put a ban on the EU.all these silly ideas they come up with and spending money like water

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