
What do you think of the House not allowing certain votes to be brought to the floor?

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I recently read that Nancy Pelosi and certain other powerful congressional leaders won't even allow the off shore drilling issue to be brought to the floor for a vote. Does anyone agree with this tactic? Does it not violate the very principles of a Democratic/Republic government? I can't help but feel frustrated with a the hypocricy of a congress that complains about our addiciton to foreign oil and then won't allow us to pursue domestic oil. Any thoughts?




  1. Taxation without representation!

    They think they are our dictators. It's time for a revolution again.

  2. its a liberal democatic ploy to keep the economy in bad shape until after the November elections..they are all drones...if they allowed the Energy vote the price of oil would drop overnight and our economy would rebound...and the Dems would be left sucking wind in November

  3. Because drilling will not lower the prices of gas. This will make more money for the oil companies whom the republicans are already in bed with. The only way to lower gas prices is to stop using it.

    I hope you realize that Saudi Arabia is not the top producer of oil in the world the government just wants you to believe that.

    Why dont you republicans take responsibility for anything the democrats are not the ones whom let the value of the dollar drop. The democrats did not vote to go to war.

    The republicans created this mess and the people are not going to watch them make things worse. If G.W. was a c.e.o. he would have been fired long time ago.

  4. once it is announced that the country has taken a serious stance on becoming energy independent,prices per bbl will drop overnight.....and the dems will lose in November...they know this and will not allow a vote to happen before their boy has a chance to get elected

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