
What do you think of the Irish people and Ireland as a whole?

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What do you think of the Irish people and Ireland as a whole?




  1. well i live here and i am sorry to hear that bordergraham that he has meet such awful people but then maybe he didnt come across to them as been nice himself..

    however yes it is an expenvise place to be,

    but there are some really beautiful places and i have always met really nice people and i have been to many of the countys.

    we do have bad spots like any country but there are good

    and nice people in these spots too, like any country we are not perfect..... and neither is everyone that lives here...

    oh and i have lived here for 39 five years wouldnt really say alot would it  bordergraham?????

  2. I am probably a little biased as my husband and 3 children are Irish.(I lived in Killarney for 14 years).I myself find the Irish in general to be very friendly,easy going,people.I couldn't have asked for a better country to raise my children in their early years.Their education not only for small children  but their education system in general is great.Children are extremely safe to play outside.To me they have an excellent tax system for families and a very good medical system.At the moment we are living in Australia as I came back home to take care of my elderly grandmother and in the next five years we will defiantly go back to Killarney to live.(That's if all my children want to go back home).

  3. Ireland is beautiful..i went last summer to Dublin (i staied in a college to study english)..and i definitively love this city...I wisited the centre (grafton street, o'connel street, st patrick cathedral, the guinnes distillery..)..i also went to glendalogh (i don't know if it's written well) and to kilkenny and visited its castle..(one thing that hit me was the landscape..the color green is everywhere...the land is very beautiful....but also the weather hit me as i'm not used -i'm italian-in summer to warm and rainy days).    The people were great, i made friendship with some irish guys that were in my college..and all i can say is that they are very friendly and opened to the others.   I will never forget last summer and dublin..i love this city.

  4. I was in Dublin a few weeks ago, the irish people are extremely friendly and happy to talk to you, i did not see any trouble in the bars/ nightclubs the only problem we encountered was the polish beggars nagging for spare change all the time they were a bloody nuisance

  5. I have read all the answers before me and I'd like to say, don't answer if you spent a weekend in Dublin or a week in Kerry, etc etc etc. Go there and live for a few years among the people, drive on their roads, walk their streets and follow their laws. If you have any proper upbringing you'll find they are the most rude, impolite, illmannered and foul mouth country in the world. 1st class place if you want ripped-off. Money hungry and materialistic possessive people.

  6. well i married an irish man,and lived in ireland for 5yrs,and visit about 5/6 times a year,ireland is fab and so are the irish people,lush.

  7. I love their accent, the country is beautiful, and the one man I met from Ireland was a very neat guy.  Plus the band U2 come from Ireland and U2 is my favorite band.

  8. I think that we are great people!!:)...(well, most of us anyway!)

    And I think the country is beautiful...although Dublin is becoming very built up, the countryside and the mountains really take you back to the real ireland.....its lovely.


  9. I was sent to a Irish Catholic School as a child, My dad was racism towards the Irish, so consequently I disliked the Irish. But:: now, I have friends who are Irish, I have moved on from my fathers influence, and now I love them,

  10. I think Ireland and Irish people ROCK!!!

  11. They are the same as people from any other country, some I like, some I dislike and some I wish I wasn't related to.

    Ireland as a whole is a great country to visit, beautiful scenery, lively social life and some great pubs. I don't know if I'd enjoy living there though having never tried. It's hard to know everything when you are only in the country as a visitor.

  12. The peaple are friendly and the land is green.

  13. speaking as an irishman resident in london since 1975,the year that ireland joined the 20th century,i wonder what the flip side of irish friendliness is and the answer is that they do not respect an individual's right to privacy

    my fellow irishmen's accents drive me completely and utterly crazy and their insistance on speaking in this deliberately rough and untutored way is seen by them as a mark of tribal loyalty and again i utterly despise such parochial loyalties-they see this as being natural but it is just an excuse for being uncouth;anothe aspect of this natural thing is being uncouth and loud in manner and speech and most damning of all a deliberate delight in anti intellectualism or any formality;the point to understand about irish people is that they are not any less intelligent than anyone else,as english propaganda would have us believe,but that they have a commitment to horseplay-fine for a holiday and the tourist thing but when irishmen went to make money they came to england

    i wonder if the community will delete this and this will be another indication of inability to air any issues in a serious way

  14. My one is good.

    Hairy but washes often. Bit smelly... :-)

  15. no matter where you go in life, you will come across good and bad people.Generally the people in ireland ( north and south ) are brilliant and you will enjoy your stay there.

  16. The country is beautiful and the people I met were the friendliest I've met outside of Texas. Everyone treated us as friends rather than visitors.

  17. we aren't actually alcoholics. i hate this image. thats like saying everyone in glasgow is a heroin addict. and that everyone from italy eat pizzas all the time. it's an idiotic sterotype. im glad not everyone answering this question has mentioned the alcohol.

    i would love for once someone to say that we have an excellent education system despite the poverty the country has always been riddled with. or about the way we maintain our countries sports such as hurling.

    we're more than just guiness.

  18. Nice people.

    Only problem is that their intolerance to alcohol is matched only by their love of the stuff.

    The only Irish I ever disliked were drunks. Sadly that's at least 10% of all the Irish I've ever met.

    That compares favourably to my own (loved) nationality, at least 15% of whom are nasty little sh...

    The terrorism thing was what it was, and doesn't really reflect on Irish character.

  19. born in england, living in ireland.  my husband is irish and we get on very well.  country not bad either.

  20. im irish, are you taking bias answers?

  21. I've known 3 Irish people by far, and they are the funniest, easy-going, and lovely people with a great sense of humour:)))

  22. a country of two perspectives.  dublin busy busy busy, belfast a bit more sedate but both not the same as it was 20 years ago. belfast is the greatest town on the planet but its dying slowly. the same river that gave me birth and carried away so many is now responsible for ensuring belfast will be dead within the next 20 years. i'm talking private urban development by overseas investors and the laganside sprawl taking all the resources away from the people who were actually born in belfast.  ireland as a whole i wish somebody would put a bullet through the celtic tigers head.  ireland is dying again the same as 1847.

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