
What do you think of the Italian man from Genoa who...?

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kidnapped his ex girlfriend and forced her to iron his clothes and wash the dishes in the news recently? I know kidnapping is never a risible matter but it is a little comical to say the least. Oh, how I laughed! Does this mans behaviour reinforce the inveterate prejudice that Italian men are misogynistic and bullying to the women in their lives? And what does it say about gender relations in Italy if anything at all?

Opinions Please




  1. I know that my ex is Italian, and he's a total wimp.  Go figure, I married a thespian.  I should've known better.

  2. As an Italian woman I can tell you that it is the women who bully the men. The men just act all macho and tuff to cover up for the fact that the women run the show. If you cook him a good meal and give him a little s*x an Italian man will be putty in your hands...

  3. I just read the story online.  That is seriously messed up.  Funny, but messed up still.  I was married to an Italian and he had some crazy 'macho' (his word not mine) ideas about how women should be treated.  But when he hit me and I fought back, he cowered like a wounded animal.  He was all talk and threats but when it came down to showing what he was made of, I saw what a puss he was and left his sorry ***.

    She should have used that iron to steam his p****r.

  4. i don't think italian culture should be measured on the actions of this guy but yeah, i know girls that  say the italian guys will just come up and cop a feel if the mood takes them.

    it is a funny story, i don't quite know why it's funny but it is. reminds me of a nice game that i sometimes would play.

  5. Genoa ? You mean Genova.

    Man of the year

    Seriously though if he wants a wife he should get married. I read of how we Italians are supposdely worried about how that would reinforce stereotypes bla bla, Iam not any more worried about that than an American is about a murderer rapist or some other felon hitting the newswire reinforcing stereotypes about America.

    Steinhäuser has shown that it doesnt take loose gun laws to run amok, and with quite some "success".

    Lol Shell parli Italiano o sei Italo xxxx ?

    Oh yeah Italian women bully us with niceness and cuteness and as a result we cant tell them no to anything, no fair :-D

    Professor C only because I dont intend to sacrifice my family for social experimentation how does that make me a posterboy ? You are a feminist screamin "down with zhe evil patriarchy *shriek*. Fine how about you come with something GOOD up to replace it first, then we can talk, because so far there is nothing in its place and as a result a big part of the youth grew and is growing up to become nothing.

  6. Yeah, I would also agree that he is a candidate that deserves appropriate punishment.

    "Does this mans behaviour reinforce the inveterate prejudice that Italian men are misogynistic and bullying to the women in their lives? And what does it say about gender relations in Italy if anything at all?"

    It is just that - an inveterate prejudice. Not all Italian men are misogynistic, and not every gender relationship in Italy is representative of a master-slave relationship.

  7. This is the behavior of one man....not a reflection of all men.  It is comical and horrifying at the same time.

  8. I think he needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  I have not seen this story and would be interested in reading it.    I can imagine she was in terror when she was grabbed.  Not knowing what this nut had in mind.

    "'Does this mans behaviour reinforce the inveterate prejudice that Italian men are misogynistic and bullying to the women in their lives?""  Yes.  Our YA resident Italian is a poster boy for that.

    I found a link:

  9. You made me smile a bit because its funny

    However, if i was on a Jury, he would be going away for a long time for kid napping and imprisonment

  10. Well I don't think Italians have a monopoly on misogynist bullying, for a start.  The statistics on domestic violence in English-speaking countries are nothing to feel superior about. [No, I'm not Italian.]

    Secondly, if the domestic tasks are all this fool forced his ex to do, then it just shows how pitifully dependent he is on having a woman to do his personal care for him.

    I agree with Robert that he should serve serious jail time for kidnapping.

    EDIT: It's "italianA". Io parlo italiano anche...

  11. He probably just wanted her to know what its like being married.

  12. He probably couldn't afford a maid.

  13. Hes a loser who deserves to be punished !

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