
What do you think of the Italy?? Say it sincerely!! You answer??

by Guest65618  |  earlier

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I'm Italian... I love the United States!!




  1. I've been all over Italy, and loved every square centimeter.

  2. I have been to serrento and it was gorgeous.  Never seen so many handsome men in one place!!!!

  3. italian is good place for sight seeing, italian product are masterpieces at high price, because we do things differently, we do things in secret, and we keep everything to ourselves that's why our product is the best. And we hated USA companies buying direct from China and competing with us unfairly. Look at so many Italian brand such as Puma, Diadora all killed by Nike that buy direct from China.

  4. Ciao rap...sono Sognatore su una Nuvola...ti ricordi la domanda "Ehi, ragazzi, tutti pazzi per gli azzurri?" in cui mi avevi offeso dicendo "NON CAPISCI NULLA DI SPORT...ARRIVEREMO A 35 MEDAGLIE SCOMMETTIAMO?"...mancano 5 giorni alla fine delle Olimpiadi e stiamo 19...un fiasco totale!!! dovremmo riuscire a vincere 16 medaglie, quando ormai sono finiti quasi tutti gli atleti italiani!!! Ora non per fare alcuna polemica ne x litigare (nn te la prendere) ma la scommessa credo di averla vinta io!

  5. i love italian product, but italian people they are different accross the country. Italian people in the south 50% do irregular jobs - not much office or factory works, they are casual, friendly but poor Italians. People in the north, most of them are very stressful people, their industries competing with other European, Asian nations making fiat cars, shoes, and always wanting to be the best regardless of price, and now no one have the money to buy and they become very stressful people.  

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