
What do you think of the Jonas Brothers and Disney?

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And I'd like a little more depth than "The JoBros are hot!" or "I love Disney!"




  1. They are quite simply horrifying. Anyone who likes them is then converted into an ignorant s***k with no other reason for life. And they wonder why they can't get boyfriends.

  2. who cares....hit the search button and there are a 10000000000 other question like yours!!!!!!!!!! like dudette dont u already know the anwsers!  

  3. Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

    It's not my business what talentless bands people want to listen to or what annoying stars little girls want to look up to.  I just wish they wouldn't force their stuck-up opinions down my throat.

  4. evil. pure evil

  5. they are over exposed talentless teenagers  

  6. I hate the jonas brothers

    Their are another annoying boy band

    I also hate their fans

  7. the jonas brothers:

    -sooo sooo sooo cute!!!


    -great voices

    -i luv them!


    -cool shows

    -cool movies

    the jonas brothers just fit in with disney.

  8. jo bros- just another bubblegum pop boy band

    disney- sellouts.

    walts crying in his freezer right now...

  9. its ok

    but ppl need to focous on more imporatnt stuff like global warming and u know...

  10. I think the Jonas Brothers are amazing.

    Amazing as artists, as people, as role models.

    Their parents have taught them and raised them well. They have great morals & values and they have a great motto: "Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top."

    They are down-to-earth and don't let fame get into their heads.

    They play the drums, piano & guitar and they write their own songs. Except the ones they covered: Year 3000, What I Go To School For & Hello Goodbye.

    The rest they write and perform and stuff.

    They are great people. They are going green by driving a Hybrid and bringing awareness to others about recycling & going green!

    Some people just hate them because of their fans others say they are not talented, which is an OPINION and others say Disney is manufacturing them. The truth is they didn't start out with Disney they started out with Columbia Records. They then switched to Hollywood Records.

    Anyways, over all they are amazing people and are great role models. =)

    Now Disney.....

    Well Disney loves to make money!

    We all know that!

    & I like their shows..some are educational. I mean they do correspond history & science and stuff. They try to make it interesting and educational. They combine it. Its great.

    My sister might watch T.V while I do my homework and all of a sudden I hear someone singing a song about the Periodic Table...Something that I am learning in science class.

    So yea....

    The movies are good and the songs are cool.

    I like Disney Channel.


  11. Walt Disney is probably rolling over in his grave as we speak....

  12. ♥Disney Channel wuz a lot better back in the day...most of their shows are stupid and corny

    ♥And again-Jonas Bros. got talent but their fans r soooo annoying..but they're like the todays age of Backstreet Boyz and Nsync(only not as good of course)and fans go crazy....I dont kno why they're associated w/ Disney cuz they were on there wayyy b4 Camp Rock started

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