
What do you think of the London underground in rush hour?

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I think it is horrible getting squashed etc




  1. it's do-able. at least there aren't as many metro strikes as in paris (unable-to-breathe-crowding). but you do have to be very hasty. i hate having to wait for the next train when one is too full. if youre not in a rush yourself, the buses are much more worthwhile.

  2. I do not like the underground no matter what time of day it is

  3. Stinks & way too expensive at any time.

  4. I live in Canada Water and take the tube to London Bridge for work, so on most days it's not too bad because that's only two stops and the Jubilee Line is not as crowded as other lines.

    But, on the odd occasion I have to take it further afield in rush hour, I could not find it any more unpleasant.  People are rude, pushy and smelly; the trains themselves cannot cope with the amount of people using them; when there are delays or suspensions there is usually no alternative route; etc.  It's also far too expensive.

    I also believe it to be extremely dirty and unhygenic.  A friend had told me about how the vast quantities of pollution that you are forced to breathe cause great damage, but I didn't really take her seriously.  However, now that I have my two-stop commute to work, as compared with the previous four years where I had a one-hour commute, I have definitely noticed that I do not get sick anywhere near as often.  I'm not sure whether that is solely down to the pollution, or because I'm not trapped in a carriage breathing in others' germs for hours on end.

  5. its smelly...  suffocating... and someones always shoving somehting up your bottom....

  6. I don't mind it - as long as i'm not next to someone that smells!!

  7. On BAD days it's horrid - standing there, trying to remain upright whilst you have someone trying to shove their briefcase up your bottom, a stinky armpit in your face and someone h**l bent on reading their freebie paper and kindly balancing it on your head.

    Mind, could be worse - my Uncle worked in  Hong Kong and said they have staff on the platforms squishing people on to the trains.  He saw a packed train, stepped back to "get the next one", the guard said no and shoved him on!!

  8. I could not agree more about getting squeezed and crushed down the Tube during the 'rush-hour'.  It's something that many of us Londoners have had to get used to over the years.

    Let's go back to the 1950s and 1960s - back then, tube travel was quite good, even though the rush hour was a nightmare.

    How did we survive the rush hour back then?  We managed by simply being a lot less selfish.  I think on the whole that we Londoners are a good mannered lot - it's just a matter of making space for everyone if at all possible.

    Tommy Steele

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