
What do you think of the NEW/OLD EDGE and THE brian kendrick

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IM SO GLAD EDGE IS BACK. This is the great Edge. Hardcore and crazy, looking forward to summerslam more then ever.

And whats up with brian kendrick, his new gimmick is better but its sorta weird.

Your thoughts




  1. It good stuff

  2. I like this Edge better. He messes with La Familia.

    Brian Kendrick sucks. He acts like a drunk.

  3. I hate Brians new gimmick!!! He needs to go back to the old Brian!

  4. I love the new edge...and i liked brian better with paul. they were a great tag team.

  5. The old Edge is back?  If that's the case, I'm stoked for Summerslam.  Taker/Edge should be a great match.

    Brian Kendrick to me just isn't a believeable heel to me. Maybe it's the size thing, I dunno. I'm just not bought on that gimmick and don't know if I will be. I like him, though, I think he just works better as a face IMO.

  6. Edge ƒucking owns.

    and kendrick is a QUEE®

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