
What do you think of the NRL threats on a few players?

by Guest60012  |  earlier

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What do you think of the NRL threats on a few players?




  1. willie i can under stand

    i can picture him annoying most people when he goes out on the drink

  2. I hope they find the *** heads and put em away 4 a long time

  3. I think whoever put out the threats,needs to find something more constructive to do with their lives.Any coward can threaten to shoot someone,a real person will actually go face to face and fight with their fists rather than weapons

  4. maybe it eas an isolated event for a guy who had insulted or by the footballer and hadno real balls in his sack so he took the cowards way out.

  5. not a great deal,,,I can understand how some players whom I wont name can really p**s people off,,they don't deserve to be shot though,,that's a bit excessive

  6. You know what's the problem with those jerks? Too much money & too much time on their hands.What happened to getting a regular job to fill in their spare time. Many of the top players of the past had normal jobs, & they never got up to the c**p today's youngsters do.Oh, & as for the threats, I only half believe there was any. Just a ploy to get themselves out of a sticky situation is more like it.

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