
What do you think of the National ID card? Will you accept it?

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Personally, I probably won't. It isn't mandatory (yet), and is against the constitution. Our Founding Father's did something brilliant when they created this nation. They wanted everything to be controlled - so they did that by letting no one have control. They created a system of checks and balances - for instance, look at the federal government: there are three branches (legislative, executive, and judicial). They also set up three branches for the whole nation: federal, state, and the general public. The publics way to check is by voting and privacy. A national card would take away an important power of the people (and an important power of the state with the state driver's id) and give it to the federal government.




  1. You don't really have a choice if you want to work, do business, travel or drive.  It's not a big deal and I'm not sure why people like you try to make it one.  I think it's really funny when you think it's a constitutional violation and that tells me all I need to know about you.  Do you fear the black vans in the neighborhood too?

  2. This is petty.  Don't worry about some stupid card.

    The time is coming when we will all be implanted with tiny microchips.

  3. Exactly why I won't be accepting one either!

    As I've said before: one step closer to the Fascist police state the Democrats and Republicans have been trying to implement for DECADES!

  4. We already have one, its called a passport.  If they want to make everyone get IDs, just make everyone in the country legally get passports.

  5. I've already succumbed... I have a driver's license (national database), I have a Social Security Card/# (national database), retired military ID (national database).  You don't see me complainin' do ya?  If you have issues with the way things are run around here, you have to make 1 of 3 choices...

    Stay and vote, or

    Stay and accept it, or

    Find someplace else that gives you the same freedoms good ole America does!!

    Either way, you make the call...

    Good luck.

  6. Not mandatory lol.  Right, no dl for you.  Sure you can wait until it expires but then you are breaking the law in a whole new way.  What are you so whiny about anyway?  Got a cellphone?  They've been chipped for 2 years now and there are 0 on the market that aren't chipped.  LOL you conspiracy weirdo's really give me a good laugh with this mess.

  7. It's comming...

    All the other id's mentioned in the answers are steps to the mark.  What it does is make people easy with it so when the mark finally does come people will not fear as they would if it were to just be the law.

    The Church of the living God is in preparation to Christ's comming.  We continue to warn the people of the danger ahead and tell them of Christ's sacrifice because of the Father's love for all of humanity.  Father is a strick father with great love for His chilren so when we mess up Christ be there for us to forgive us and help us out of the rutine of sin.

    God bless you,

    Love in Christ Jesus,


  8. We already have a national ID program....... Social Security numbers.

  9. I wouldn't have ID of ANY kind if I could get away with it.  It's really nobody's business who I am in the first place.

    Don't use credit--they are tracking devices as well.  I will use

    cash only until I can't anymore.  

    There's no way we should be treated like criminals in our own country.

    The only terrorists are the ones running this freak show.

  10. I can't even tell which country you're in.  If you're referring to the REAL ID act, you are grossly misinformed.  The REAL ID compliant cards are basically the same as driver's licenses with a few extra security precautions.  No personal information (financial, medical, etc.) will be held other than what the DMV in your state currently has.  The article you linked is basically a lot of conspiracy theorists' nonsense.

  11. You won't be able to renew your license without it.  Shades of 1984, Big Brother is watching.  That disturbs me greatly, but so does his "Total Information Awareness" that no one is concerned with.  Are you aware of it?  ALL of your phone conversations are being stored in case Big Brother wants to listen to them some day..

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