
What do you think of the Nets' starting lineup for next season?

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G Devin Harris

G Vince Carter

F Bobby Simmons

F Yi Jianlian

C Brook Lopez




  1. yea i cant see simmons as a starter. its going to be Yi at SF and sean williams at the 4. i think it is decent, good enough to be a low seed playoff team, maybe 7 or 8. i think harris will be a star, carter is still good when he wants to be, williams is just sort of like a poor mans ben wallace, not much offesne. the rest is kind of up in the air. Yi is still young and underdeveloped, simmons always gets hurt, lopez, CDR, and anderson are all rookies so you never know what youll get from them.  

  2. there a good young team thats a team you got to watch out for the future with Portland  

  3. decent young squad.  If Yi continues to develop and Lopez pulls out a solid rookie campaign, the Nets will be back in the post season before the well anticipated 2010 off season...

  4. umm maybe CDR instead of bobby simmons or like this

    Devin Harris

    Vince Carter

    Yi Jilian

    Sean Williams

    Brook Lopez

    Ino the ppl under me will probably say that the nets suck but in 2010 the will make it  to the conference finals

  5. Seems interesting.

    It looks weird not seeing J-Kidd's name in there.

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