
What do you think of the Obama lawsuit?

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  1. It is gutter politics, smear tactics that will appeal to the conspiracy theorists, by the opposing political party. All part of the plan to discredit Obama.  If Obama weren't eligible, he would have backed down long ago. He would have never gotten this far. I am sure he knows his citizenship status, and wouldn't try to get elected, or be supported by his constituents falsly. I am sure his citizenship status is a matter of public record to be a U.S. senator.  

  2. This is one of the reasons i support the loser pays in the court system. Stupid lawsuits are filed every day by stupid people and marginal lawyers.  If the loser has to pay this would cut out courts  overcrowding by  at least 50%.

  3. I consider this lawsuit very serious.  I read the actual filing of the lawsuit and it seems very serious.  There is a good chance that Obama has committed fraud and could wind up with jail time.  this is a very serious matter.  I think the constitution should make the rules more strict on becoming president.  nothing can be more important to America then having a totally loyal President.  Obama is NOT totally loyal.  He is definitely a citizen of Kenya even today and most likely still a citizen of Indonesia.  That is not appropriate for a President.  

    I believe Obama went back to Hawaii for a week recently to cover up this problem.  everyone is covering up the truth.  

  4. Whether this suit has merit or not is irrelevant.

    What it is important is that there are enough of these questions in the media, both in the US and abroad, that there are now substantial questions in the minds of many people about the legitimacy of Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the presidency.

    He is probably absolutely qualified but he should put these questions to rest once and for all.

    It has become a question of credibility.

    The birth certificate is secured at his Chicago headquarters.

    The Obama campaign should send all the relevant documents to a team of trusted attorneys in Washington, DC, where they can be examined by representatives from the DNC and the RNC, the US Congress, the Supreme Court, as well as any legal authorities who might be appropriate.

    This is the only way that the American people can be assured that there is absolutely no problem.

    Just get it out there once and for all.

    The Obama campaign has the document.

    Let it be properly examined by the appropriate authorities.

    BEFORE the election.

  5. "I consider this lawsuit very serious" "we are a country of laws" Really? Do you really think that after all of this time it would come out now? Are you that scared of Obama that you will listen to anything negative that anyone has to say? Open you minds and try to see something new, forget what the tv tells you, forget about what your "celebrities" tell you. Think for yourself and chose a person that matters to you. forget the people that want what he is so lucky to have and have a mind of your own.  

  6. I think the judge will laugh hysterically and then dismiss it.  

  7. You guys really are retarted aren't you, I just have a hunch that the DNC checks this **** out, so I am going to assume the DNC did their home work and the Obama Birth Certificate is legit. I also am going to assume that this is another HRC diehard that doesn't ******* get that it was people like him that made choosing Hillary ten ******* times harder for the Obama camp.

  8. That's just special.

    I can't understand how anyone can buy into this kinda thing. It is complete idiocy.

    Do they REALLY think that the Democrats AND the Republicans haven't already dug through every piece of Obama's past? And the press as well? Don't give me that liberal media line...this kind of thing would be a career maker for any investigative journalist.

    Anyway, it's just more of the same moronic garbage that comes out every election year.

  9. You talking about the one filed in Philadelphia or the one that will be filed by the Republicans soon?

    That should be an interesting case. Wonder what the DNC thinks about them being named too?

  10. I stayed up till 230 this morning listening to his interview on COAST TO COAST AM (radio show).  It was fasinating to hear how this guy (Barrack) has 6 different names!

    On his Illinois Bar examination application, he didn't list any names he presently uses or has used in the past, to which he indicated none of the following:

    -Barrack Obama

    -Barry Obama

    -Barry Soetoro

    -Barrack Soetoro

    -Barry Dunham

    -Barrack Dunham

    He (Berg the Democrat) stated that it was either (I forget which) Indonesia or Kenya that he had to give up his US citizenship, and when he came back to the US and regain his citizenship, there is no record (thus far) of him taking an Oath of Allegiance to the US to regain said citizenship (and renouce the former country).

    Also Berg said that Barrack's Birth Certificate was a forged document, stating that it is Barrack's sister's birth certificate (Hawaii) with Barrack's name super-imposed on it to pass as a legitimate certified document.

    Interestingly, there is a Barrack Obama Jr. birth certificate in Canada (unknown at this time if it is the same Barrack we are talking about) and a birth certificate of Barrack Obama in Kenya.

    Berg did state that Barrack is a US Citizen via his mother who was a US citizen, but not a NATURALLY born citizen as needed for the presidency.

    Berg seemed to imply that McCain has a simular issue, because the Panama Canal Zone was not a US territory at the time, but McCain is a citizen by his parents being US Citizens, on a US Navy Base (Sovereign US territory).  The point he was making was that if McCain wins the 2008 election, he’d be the first American to take the presidential oath who has an official birthplace outside the 50 states - and that the founding fathers implied that naturally born meant INSIDE the United States - not territories/bases/embassies/etc OUTSIDE of the US.

    The topic seemed also to imply that America has a 'slippery slope' issue going on here, that we are starting to relax our standards - that Arnold Swartznegger is a US Citizen (naturalized) who would love to run for the Presidency, if it wasn't for the need for a simple Constitutional Amendment (which there has been talks of such an amendment amoungst small circles inside congress since Arnold has been the "Govenator").

  11. Any nut can file a suit.  If the court agrees to hear it, then we have something to talk about.

  12. Politics has always attracted the sick and the publicity whores.  The politicians themselves are often bad enough, but the extremist supporters of candidates are worse still.  With the rise of the Internet, these people have been given a voice in American politics, which they use with a vengence.  Fortunately, the traditional media mostly understands the process and does not give the publicity whores a stage for their strange assertions.  Remember, in politics, information like Berg's always serves the interests of the sender, not the audience.

  13. I suppose that it will take The Enquirer to dig out the truth, like they did with John Edwards. Evidently the Democratic party didn't dig deep enough  

  14. Not much.

    What do you think of John and Cindy's adulterous affair?

  15. fox news dugged up that obama went to foreign school with muslims and christians,which they called a madrassa when it wasn't,fox news would have already been all over this

  16. Looks like hooey and many people have dual citizenship.  To suggest Obama is not an AMerican is saying our government has been  quite ignorant of permitting the legal process in which a candidate is running has completely failed and is illegally a senator for 2 term s as well.  I suppose if that were the case it goes to show what an utter failure the Bush administration truely is and everyone in Congress would be stupid too for putting up with the enemy when it is clear they are cringing that a black illegal would become ahead of them!


    In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."

    We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

  18. The lawsuit was filed to head off the lawsuit that the Republicans were planning as their "October surprise".

  19. We are a country of laws.  That said, if Sen. Obama was not born in the US, or if he became a citizen of another country, then his name should be removed from the ballot.  I'm sure his ineligibly will not be popular with 50% of the Nation, but what's right is right


  20. If it's real it's a problem,but it might be fake.

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