
What do you think of the Patterson big foot video?

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TR I saw on the history channe this morning that several people claimed to be the person in the "suit."




  1. People can say what they want about it being faked, that has no barring on if they exist.  Sometimes people who are faking something get so close to reality it is hard to tell them apart.  We lived these things as children in Washington State during the 60-90's.  Faked or real it kept alot of people on the straight and narrow up here in the old growth timber.  Logging with my family was the way of life, and Big Foot was a part of that.

  2. it is real

  3. I wasn't so sure about it for many years.  I also wasn't so sure about the existence of a Bigfoot creature.  Until last year when I actually got in the field.  

    Now I haven't had that life changing clear as day sighting.  But I have seen and heard things that would make a lot of people think twice about going into the woods at night.

    One thing that kinda sells me on the Patterson film is the fact that the creature appears to be female.  How can one tell? The presence of breast.  

    I don't think a couple of men trying to make a big scary ape-man monster would go "lets slap some breast on there just to shake things up,"

    I'm not going to draw any definite conclusions.  Its not my nature as an investigator to say something is black and white with out hard evidence.  But for now, I'd say my vote is leaning towards it being real.

  4. I think there are plenty of reasons to see the Patterson film as nothing more than a hoax.

    P.S. The History Channel should not be seen as a serious source on anything scientific.  It regularly airs sensationalistic and journalistically lazy TV shows that are more concerned with fiction than fact.

  5. bigfoot is fake. i dont believe in him, but i do believe in nessy.

  6. It's anyone's guess.  However, I did see an episode of "Monster Quest" on the History Channel, which was specifically about Patterson's video and the theory of Big Foot.  

    According to the documentation provided by Monster Quest, there have been several people who've claimed they were wearing the ape costume for the Patterson video, but none of them have been able to identify the location the video footage was taken.  

    I'm not sure about the man who passed a polygraph but according to the show, the man who was supposedly the most likely candidate didn't even know what state the video was taken in.  

    So it's anyone's guess.  You should watch the Monster Quest episode on Big Foot, it was very informative.

  7. If you guys saw it on the History channel or the Discovery channel, you can probably bet it isn't true.  And I know for a FACT that polygraph is bunk.

  8. A lot of experts have worked on the film and there is still on clear answer one way or the other.  The film shows a lot of interesting things that could go ether way.  I personally believe there is a great ape out there, but I'm not sure that the Patterson film is real.

  9. This was just recently asked.

    The latest news I've seen on the Patterson film is that the fellow Patterson hired to wear the bigfoot suit came out and admitted it was a hoax. I think I saw this on Discovery Channel or National Geographic. It can't be proven without a doubt that he's telling the truth, though he did pass a polygraph test, but it certainly casts even more doubt on this famous but highly debatable video clip.

  10. It's actually been somewhere around 6 people who have claimed to have worn the suit during the years since the films release.  The person who supposedly was hired by Patterson that now swears he wore the suit is Bob Heironimus featured in a book by Greg Long called "The Making of Bigfoot".  Also mentioned in the book is a costume maker from North Carolina by the name of Phillip Morris who claims to be the one who made the costume.  

    Some interesting things the book brought out were that the person claiming to have worn the suit, and the person who claims to have made the suit don't agree on a number of points. Two primary points they don't agree on what the suit was made of, one says Horsehide the other says synthetic material with mesh backing.  One says it was 1 piece, the other says multiple pieces.  It's also funny that now 41 years later, nobody has been able to duplicate th suit, even with today's technology, and some have tried.  

    You also have to ask yourself WHY anyone would wait almost 40 years before saying anything.  Bob H. claims it was because Patterson owed him money.  So saying something 35 years after someone is dead (Patterson died 1972) is going to get even with them for not paying you?  Phillip M. looks like he wants people to recognize his work.  Great.. but wouldn't it have been more beneficial  years ago?  I mean any professional costume maker who could produce something that good would have been at the top of the heap and could charge what he wanted for costumes he created.  He would have been a multi-multi millionaire by now.  

    There's a lot of other things about the "alleged suit" and film that people have been discussion for years, and new things are being found all the time that points to this NOT being a suit.  Check out some of the online forums associated with Bigfoot, you might be surprised by what you find.  

    Just to keep the record straight, I do not "Believe" in bigfoot, I want undeniable proof like most people.

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